The Festival Part One

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"Uraraka said they would be here at four, but we'll be running the game from three till nine. Then we have to head straight to the roof for our meteor shower until 10:30, then we get to end the night with fireworks." Midoriya informed sadly. He knew they had classes, but he really wanted to spend more time with them.

"Have we figured out what we're going to tell them?" Bakugo questioned as the echo of the festival began echoing through their ears, signaling they were almost there.

"It's your story Kat, you should decide that." The green haired man replied. It wouldn't be right for him to tell their old class about what had really happened to him and why he left UA.

"It's our story Izu." The blond reminded as he looked to his boyfriend sadly. He couldn't just tell them one side, they needed to hear both.

"So what do we tell them then?" Midoriya questioned as they rounded the last corner to the school. "Are we okay with telling them the whole back story? Are we okay with telling them we're together now? Are we okay with telling them that we're going back to UA? Are you okay with them knowing how mean your mother was to me? Are you-" Midoriya's rambling was cut short when he felt another pair of lips press against his own. His eyes widened in shock as he watched his boyfriends eyelashes flutter slightly. He was frozen, still in rambling mode as his boyfriend shut him up on the middle of the sidewalk, by the front gates to MH.

"We can take it one step at a time. I don't want to talk about anything until after the festival though." The blond started as he slowly pulled away from his boyfriend. His ruby eyes met his lovers beautiful green orbs, which stood out more with the small black piercing above his right eyes. "I don't want to ruin the festival by bringing everyone's moods down. I want to spend some time with them and catch up and figure out how they're doing and how UA is doing. We can tell them everything later in the evening, but I want to spend some time with them while we can. I want to tell them everything, except you going back to UA and me possibly going back. I don't want them to get their hopes up incase I can't go back. So we'll just say that we left to be with each other and we're happy with that decision."

"We won't get to spend much time with them anyway Kacchan." The green haired man stated sadly as they continued their journey through the gate and into the busy festival. The entire campus was crowded with students, friends and family as music pumped through a speaker every ten feet. The smell of all the food stalls were morphing together to create a sweet smell through the entire school grounds. Decorations flew in the warm spring wind while people were talking and playing all sorts of festival games.

"I switched our shifts at the booth. We're going to be there from noon to five instead of three to nine." The blond replied with a smirk.

"Himari and Sakura were okay with that?" The green haired man questioned with excitement as he turned to his boyfriend with a wide smile.

"They found someone else to run it later in the evening. They know how much it means to us to see our old class." He responded with a simple shrug. "Not to mention, Himari wants to get to know them better as well. She'll probably be spending a lot of time with you at UA." He informed as he slipped his hand into his boyfriends. It was extremely crowded and he didn't want to lose him in the crowd.

"Thank you Kat." The green haired man said with a small smile as tears formed in his eyes. After months of them fighting and him being hated, he never thought they would get back to this. He never thought that the blond would treat him like this again. He didn't realize how stupid he was to let his mother overpower him like that, but he learned his lesson. Katsuki Bakugo was worth any kind of fight that he may have to face. Despite him being a jerk at UA, that wasn't really who he was. Bakugo was a good person with a caring soul. Sure, he could be obnoxious and temperamental, but he was one of the best people to know.

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