He woke up half an hour ago, and gotten up to wash up in the bathroom, but has been staring at himself in the mirror for the last fifteen minutes after he got out of the shower. He leaned back on the wall across the mirror, his bare back touching the cold walls. He rubbed his hands over his face, feeling a bit stressed. He groaned, "shiiit.."

After stepping out the shower, he was passing the mirror behind the sink to leave the bathroom when he spotted something about himself he hadn't noticed before in his reflection. It wasn't that noticeable, no, but he knew his body, and anything was noticeable to him. Which was why he's wonder why it's just now that he realized his stomach was starting to form a bump.

It wasn't big by any chance, as said before, but there was a definite curve; but being someone with a thinner structure, it was visible. Anyone would chalk it up to him just gaining weight –they have been eating quite luxuriously during their stay in america, the portion sizes were huge, what can he say– but to Yuta, he wished it was from food.

He felt panic start to arise, quietly whispering, as if someone was outside the door, but there's no one, "What if someone notices? Fuck, this just– I– I'll be fucked.... fuck, t-the stylists will notice won't they?!" He slid down the wall, his back burning slightly from the friction, his view of the mirror changing to a view of the wooden cabinets. He leaned his forehead on his knees, eyes closing. One hand came around to tug slightly at the hair at his nape, the other arm wrapped around his stomach, as if wanting to hide. He was shaking slightly, from the seeping cool or his panic, he doesn't know, but he froze when he felt a small, weak, nudge against his wrist, his eyes shot open before he felt another one near his upper forearm. He was tense, waiting for another small kick, but didn't get any more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts that ran at miles an minute.




Hearing his ringtone, he jerk his head up, scrambling onto his knees to reach his phone lying on the marble countertop. Hands slightly shaky he cleared his throat, "Yeoboseyo?"

   "O, hyung," Donghyuck's voice spoke from the speakers in his ear. "Want to go with the aquarium with me in an hour?"

   Getting up from the floor, he left the bathroom. "Uh...." it'd be a good distraction... "Sure."

   "Great! I'll be at your door in thirty minutes! Be ready!" The younger hung up before he could say anything else.

   Yuta shook his head, a small smile on his lips as he put down his phone, unzipping his suitcase. He decided to go for baggier clothing, picking out a T-shirt and a larger hoodie to wear on top and some ripped jeans. As he put on the hoodie, he caught a specific scent on it that was very familiar but he couldn't quite place a name to it, he mumbled, looking down at it, "Is this even mine? I don't think it is..." he shrugged it off, a hoodie's a hoodie, if it covered his body, he's fine with it.

   Sure enough, thirty minutes later, there was a knock on his hotel room door. Opening the door, Donghyuck was rocking on his heals, decked out in black jeans, shirt, and jacket. Oh he's going to start complaining of the heat after a while—

"Hey hyung, ready to go? Manager-hyung is waiting outside." Hyuck said.

Yuta nodded, stepped out of his room and placing his keycard in his pocket. "Yeah, let's go Hyuck."

As they got in the elevator, the younger looked over his clothes before asking, "Isn't that hoodie's Jungwoo-hyung's?"

He looked back down at the green and navy blue hoodie, mouth forming an 'o' once he remembered why it seemed familiar yet not. "Ah... it is... I found it in my suitcase, didn't know it was Woo's." He shrugged.

The younger shrugged, "Makes sense, I found his face masks in my suitcase this morning."

"Jungwoo doesn't use face masks? He always steals mine– Hey wait a second-"



Y'all, I was thinking, what if I rewrote all of Body Talk's chapters and continued from there? Cause low key high key I forgot where I'm going with the story even tho I got the plot—

Anyways I'll probably make the next chapter longer cuz I feel like 1k-1.5k is too short so maybe I'll start making them longer

Anyways byeee 💚🌱

TOUCH | Nakamoto YutaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ