They look at me like I have three heads

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Terasaka couldn't believe what had just happened. Neither could his friends or anyone for that matter. He was supposed to win.

"Now then, let's talk about the winnings." Y/n smiled at her opponent. The male's movements became stiff as he lifted his head to look at the girl. "Not counting the money I lost, I get 8,800,000 yen." A gasp escaped Terasaka's lips and his brows furrowed further. He thought about how the hell he'd be able to get that kind of money.

"Be so kind and pay up, please." The girl smirked at him as her words were nothing but white noise to Terasaka.

'Why did this happen...?' He thought about all his decisions leading up to this very moment. Her eyes gleamed a dangerous red. 'What in the world... Who the hell is this girl?!'

Suddenly, he looked to see the same she-devil he had just gambled with by his side.

"Would you be so kind as to pay up?" She asked him once more. His breath was caught in his throat and tears blurred his vision for a moment.

He slammed his hands on the desks, causing the chips to fall to the ground. Bowing his head, he reluctantly apologized. "I don't have it right now..." He mumbled. "Could you wait for a few days?"

Y/n stood beside the desks and grinned. Feeling a headache coming, she walked towards the door to use the bathroom, leaving Terasaka's sad apology behind her.

"Today was very fun so I'll consider it paid." And with that, she left without looking back at her classmates. The door closed and the air felt lighter. Terasaka slumped onto the desks, feeling relieved.

Looks like he didn't have to admit he was cheating either. For now at least.

- - - - - - - - - -

Y/n sat on the grass watching Sugino throw the ball to Nagisa. The blue haired boy dodged the ball then chased after it, praising Sugino's throw. The girl hummed and smiled at the scene.

"I'm working on a curveball that puts my elbows and wrists to good use!" Sugino chuckled. "Even my slow fastball will look speedy when I mix up the two! I'm sure they'd both just put him to sleep, though."

Eventually, Y/n got bored and stood up with a sigh. Disappearing from the two others. She took out her phone and called her close friend.

"So... You ready for your first day?"


"Yup. I've got it." Y/n rolled her eyes and smirked. "Trust me. It'll be fun and we'll decide who's better then."

- - - - - - - - - -

Y/n laid beside Korosensei as he made the girl her snow cone. Her arms somewhat cushioning her head from the hard ground underneath the blanket they were on. One leg over the other, looking up to the sky without a care.

Her eyes snapped to the right as she felt multiple pairs of eyes on her and the teacher. Her classmates were scheming something, and without her. She doubts that whatever their plan is would fail either way.

"Korosensei!" They heard the students of Class E call out. They turned their heads to see them all smiling as they ran towards the two. Y/n raised her brows in amusement and sat up. "Can we have snow cones too?"

Korosensei cried with joy. "They're opening their hearts to me一 and with such smiling faces!" Y/n giggled knowing that he too saw through their act. They glued their eyes to the students as they swiftly pulled out anti-sensei knives. "How ferocious they must be!"

The group of students lunged at their teacher with now sinister smiles. Their landing was quite rough and to their dismay, they missed. In fact, both Korosensei and Y/n were no longer in their original positions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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