number 34: truth

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The next few days passed by quickly. Damiano wasn't talking to me, I was unintentionally avoiding Vic now too, I sometimes met Thomas and Ethan for our little chatting sessions.

And also I had completed my classes. Now I had to took the exam to get a diploma.

I looked at the paper before me. It had felt to take an English exam in Italian and not the other way round. I hoped I did a good job when turning the paper in because I sure couldn't bear taking the program for the third time.

I sighed before ringing their door. They all were at home today so I had no place to escape. I entered the room nervously. I saw Vic looking at me with anticipation.

"So? How was it?" she asked with joy. We now were in the living room with everyone. Thomas and Ethan also looke excited. Damiano was on his phone carelessly. I felt a weight on my heart.

"It was good I guess." I said. "I think I can pass it."

Victoria clapped her hands together and gave me a big hug.

"Congratulations," Thomas said.
"I knew you could do it," I heard Ethan say.

Damiano didn't say anything.

"Let's go and celebrate it. Maybe we can grab a couple of drinks and then come home for sex."

I gulped. I looked at Thomas and Ethan. They didn't look as nervous as I was. Sure they were in a relationship but they looked like they could get away with just one sex.

I on the other hand, I couldn't possibly handle it. I glanced at Damiano, he was now looking at me too. I couldn't read his emotions.

"Thanks Vic, but I'm kinda tired. Can we stay home and watch a movie or something?"

Vic touched my arm with compassion. We were still standing. She looked in to my eyes. I felt bad and glanced away.

"June is everything okay?" she asked. Gosh it was hard to lie to her.

"Y-yeah," i said "what could be wrong anyway."

I totally didn't expect her to get angry but she did. Not just to me, but to everyone. She started to shout.

"What's wrong with you people! Ever since the USA trip, it's impossible to figure anyone out. Damiano barely speaks, Thomas and Ethan are never around.
And you June, you still don't trust us. You don't share what you feel. You know you are not just a fucking groupie anymore. You're our friend. So start acting like one. Stop hiding everything important."

I scaredly looked into her eyes. I didn't know what to say. Should I be happy for what she said, should I be offended?

I didn't know but I was just- scared.
She softened her voice. She now sounded desperate.

"I feel like I'm losing all of you and it sucks. Our dreams came true but none of you are really around to appreciate our succsess."

I hated the way we made her feel. She didn't deserve it. And she was right. Everyone else was just so busy with everything that they kinda stopped being a band.

I hated that I still couldn't give her an explanation. Not when I was feeling Damiano's eyes on me.

I saw Thomas standing.

"Don't get mad at June," he said. Victoria looked slightly more calm. She looked at Thomas to see his face.

"It's my fault. Well, ours," he turned to Ethan and then back to Victoria.

"We a-asked her to- Well we wanted her to keep a secret. Not to tell you-"

Thomas couldn't finish his sentence. Ethan got up now too, he hold Thomas's hand.

"We asked June not to tell you that we were dating."

I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe they had done this. That they had told them.

I felt responsible and guilty. They were forced to explain it in order to save me from Victoria's interrogation.

I was thankful. I truly was. But I also felt bad because they had to do this for me.

"Oh my god." Victoria said slowly. Her eyes was locked on their hands. She looked at me. She looked at them. She said "OH MY GOD," twice, now shoutingly.

Both looked pretty nervous to see what was coming. I looked at Damiano to see his reaction and I saw him smiling at Thomas and Ethan.

"What in hell did you keep it a secret?" Victoria asked.

"We wanted to make sure that this was real before we told you." Thomas said.

"Well... I gues you telling us now means it is real?" Victoria said.

"It is." Ethan said. I saw the sprak in Thomas's eyes. They looked relieved that the reaction they recieved was positive.

Damiano stood up now, finally. He gave both Thomas and Ethan a hug.

"I'm of course happy for you, you idiots." I heard him say.

Just like that, everyone knew. Now I was only responsible with my own secret.

Now that we were all hugging, I swore myself that I would keep my feelings as a secret to protect what we had.

Because this, was so much more important than everything in the world.

All I can say is... I'm crying all my tears and that's fucking pathetic.

Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now