number 25: marlena

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I've been listening to Kiss This and Le Parole Lontane non-stop today. I wonder what my Spotify wrapped up will look like at the end of the year lmao.

Also the reads are almost 5K now.(OMG WE HIT 5K AS I WAS WRITING THE CHAPTER UNBELIEVABLE) It's utterly unbelievable. I say this at the beginning of the every chapter but I truly thank you all for the beautiful feedbacks you give.

Also for no particular reason the pic of Victoria I added to the multimedia feels like it was taken by June to me. After a concert or something. Just before sex. Is it just me? I know it is lol. 

The song I linked is the definition of the chapter honestly. It would be great if you listened to it while reading.




The program Damiano had arranged for me was going pretty well. Just like the one before, it didn't help me with English obviously but I was catching up more on Italian. 

Already one week of the three weeks necessary to complete the program had passed. Everything was like how it was when we first came back from the US. Thomas was sleeping when they weren't rehearsing. Damiano was always out. I hadn't properly talked to him since the morning he told me he'd enrolled me to the program.Ethan was strangely bringing a lot of new girls and sometimes boys too.  

Everything was same looking to the surface but deep down, I'd felt things changing. Didn't know what exactly. But no one was as energized as a few months ago, when they'd won the Eurovision. 

I only had Victoria to properly talk to. She was also aware of boys' wilt. She was as clueless I was however. 

Not every day was like this though. It was hard to keep up with their mood. Especially Damiano's. When he was around, he had this huge mood swings. He always was a type of person who could have hundreds of different emotions in one day but lately, it was more obtrusive.

I was walking to home after a day of classes when I saw Bendetta.


I'd forgotten their existence, yet again.

She looked at me. She looked emotionless. "Didn't know you were back." she said. Then she laughed angrily. "Didn't know you had went too actually."

"Yeah sorry I left you uninformed," I said. I didn't say much because it's not like I owed them an explanation or anything. She was overreacting in my opinion. For how long did we knew each other before I left. One week? Maybe a few days more than that.

Well I was a girl who had left her whole life for people she knew for a week. But that was so not  the point. And that wasn't really the same thing.

"Communication," said Bendetta. "is an important merit. People need it to maintain relations."

I was pissed off to be honest.  Who was she to lecture me for not telling them about my life. I tried to stay polite.

"Yeah, sorry." I said unpretentiously. 

She looked despairing. I hadn't gave her the apology she expected. And I wasn't planning to do so.

We left after saying a couple dull words. What she said was invading my thoughts. Even though I didn't agree with her being pissed at me, she had a fair point. Communication was truly important. 

I was witnessing my friends losing their excitement of life and I was doing nothing about it.  I have to fix it, I thought to myself. I decided to start by texting Damiano. I knew this wasn't their rehearsal time or anything so I asked for a meeting. 

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