Kai and I sat down at the bar, he ordered rum and fries while I got a margarita. Damon picked up his phone and called Ric.

"Jesus. How many people does he want to call about us? It's not like we've dropped off the edge of the planet the past few months." I grumbled, eating a few fries.

"Well, once hes done and we get him alone, we can follow through with my plan."

"You have a plan?" I asked humorously.

"Oh baby, I always have a plan. You think I want to spend the day here, with him after all this shit he has done to you? Trust me, I have a plan. All of my time, watching and observing all the things that have happened will pay off. You just sit and watch and look pretty." He said, kissing my cheek.

Damon sat down at a booth, I looked over at him and he nodded over. I groaned while standing up, walking over to him with Kai trailing behind me.

"Ok, redemption. How the hell do we get it." Kai asked, sitting down next to me in the booth.

"Killing evil people," I answered for him. "Except I've done that before, I helped the sirens with that. And I'm still bound to it." I glared at Damon.

"Yeah well you may need to kill some more." Damon said, smiling faintly.

"I've been killing people for the past few years, why would that change anything now?"

"Were they evil?"

"Now that's too easy. Killing evil people. It makes the world a better place and, yuck. Who the hell needs that. No, the only evil people I killed were for those two ladies." I said, then looked around for a moment and saw a man behind the counter, holding a woman inappropriately. I looked away, cringing.

"Ahh... the sexy sirens." Kai said, daydreaming. "God, they were hot." I looked over at him. "Did you think they were hot?" He asked Damon.

"Sure, if your into cannibal divas." Damon said, sighing.

"Trust me, he is." I said, readjusting myself in the seat. "So, evil people?" I asked, Damon hummed. I heard a womans gasp and immediately looked, it was the man and woman again. He had just smacked her ass, and she was deeply offended. If I were her, I would've knocked his ass to the ground.

"Ok, now pick someone seriously bad. Use your best judgment." Kai said, leaning more onto the table. "Do it for me, man. Come on, do it for Rae. Do it for E-"

"Dont say Elena."


"Ok. Sure. He'll do." Damon said, gesturing to the man sexually assaulting the waitress behind the counter. He stood up and started walking towards the back room where the man had gone. Kai got out of the booth and pulled me out by the hand.

"Just follow along with this stupid plan of his. Let him believe that we believe." He whispered into my ear, then slipped his hand in my back pants pocket as we walked.

When we got into the back room, Damon had already completely compelled the man to be quiet and stay still.

"Have at it." He said taking a few steps back.

I walked up to the man and slammed us head back into the brick wall, he started to collapse and Kai pushed his body against the wall so he wouldnt fall yet. We both dug our teeth into his neck and fed until he was drunk to the bone.

Kai back up and pulled me with him as the man collapsed to the floor.

"Feel better?" Damon asked, drying his hands with a paper towel.

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