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"I didn't know she was talking about that!" Jessica yelled impatiently, my father scowled at her. "Ryan got that right of leader 15 years ago! It is not his fault you went on a killing spree with the enemy and got locked away!"

"Yes but it is her priority." My father defended me. I'm surprised he took my side, I wouldve assumed he and my mother would have switched. "It is her right. That is why she was born, to council us, to direct us, to lead us."

"Mark, she is insane." Mother whispered. He shook his head and then opened his hands, our history book appeared in his palms. His eyes turned white as he the pages flew around.

"Here." His finger stopped the pages and he mumbled the words to himself so quietly even my vampire ears couldn't hear it.

"It reads 'if one declines the path to leader and chooses to take the lead several decades after the position has already been taken, they are allowed the right to do so. But the current leader and the runner up must merge their magic on the Geminis land with the current leaders approval. If the current leader of the Gemini coven does not approve of the merge, the current leader of our coven will stay in line until the next child is born.'"

This news made me mad. Kai would never let me be the leader, I might as well just leave now. "So Kai. I need to get Kai up here and we need to go across the street and merge." I said defeated, Jessica was flipping out.

"Ryan cant die! Plus Benny is supposed to be the next leader!" Jessica yelled.

"Oh yeah, can I know what rules were exactly changed?" I cut in, her tantrum was pissing me off.

"We changed it so that any leader can be elected as long as they are of age of 23." Ryan addressed.

"Elected?" I yelled. "Its not like we are deciding the president! This is ridiculous."

"With the exception of a merge." Jason blurted to calm me, it did the exact opposite. Then three other kids chased each other up the stairs giggling. That soothed me for a moment, only because it reminded me of me, Ryan, and Amy. Then they were out of sight and I got upset again.

"Our way of having children every 20 years and the first born is leader was so we didnt have to kill our family! This is absurd! We did so we weren't like the enemy!"

"Well what other way is there?" Ryan yelled at me.

"The exact way our ancestors set up our coven from the beginning! There is no reason for us to change our ways now just because you dont want Amy's daughter to be leader!"

"You do not know why I decided to change the rules!"

"Was it because you didnt want me to come back and take possession of the coven like I'm supposed to?!"

"I dont need to explain myself to you!"

"Ryan and Rae Pryer! Stop this at once!" Mother yelled, I scowled and looked down at Benny who was getting fussy in his sleep from all the yelling.

"Raya, why dont you ring up Kai." Amy calmly said to me over the couch. She always used to call me that when we were kids, but that wasnt me anymore. That was the old me, the young me, the responsible me.

"I'll do it if you dont call me that. Nobody calls me that anymore, keep it that way." I aggressively stated, taking my phone out of my back pocket, still keeping the sleepy baby boy in my arms.

"Hey m'lady. You miss you so much you decided to call me?" I could hear his cocky smile through the phone.

"Totally. In fact I missed you so much that I want you here. I want you here now." I flirted off with him, he stuttered.

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