Chapter 9

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  "I got some news!" Blitzo shouted banging on the door. I sighed and put the book down, moving to open the door. He was inches from my face causing me to yelp in surprise. Blitzo barged in, unfazed by my actions and his proximity to me. "Stolas found Alastor."

"Oh," I muttered in a wave of unease. "Where?"

"He's at Charlie's hotel," he replied. "It's called the Hazbin Hotel."

"It's called the Happy Hotel," Loona interrupted, entering the room at the commotion Blitzo had made with his yelling.

"Doesn't matter," Blitzo sighed. "We're heading down there after breakfast." Father and daughter left the room leaving me to my pacing alone. I wrung my hands in my hair and threw myself onto the bed after a while.

After mustering the energy to exit the room without pacing, I joined Loona and Blitzo at the breakfast table. Blitzo had a plate of eggs and a special type of Hell porridge that I had grown fond of over the past couple of days. I ate quietly which wasn't hard considering Loona and Blitzo seemed to be occupied on their devices. I had no such luxury and simply stared at the wall and my plate.

When we finished the food, we got into the van. I didn't bother grabbing on this time, secretly hoping that we'd crash and die to prevent me from seeing the red demon. Before long we were in Pentagram City. I eyed the buildings with a frown. The car swerved to a stop at a building that looked more like a poorly constructed mansion in my eyes than a hotel.

"Stolas is already here it seems," Blitzo commented. He pointed to a very fancy limousine parked in the lot. I bit my lip as I climbed out of the van. I looked down at my outfit. Today I was wearing a black dress that Loona had purchased with me this past weekend. It was more to my taste than the clothes I wore on my first day in Hell.

I followed Blitzo and Loona inside the hotel. The doors had stain glass windows which wasn't what I was expecting. The apples were a bit on the nose for my taste but it was still nice. "Hello," a blonde girl smiled from the front desk. "Are you the guys who want to talk with the radio demon?"

"That's us," Blitzo grinned, his tail shook with excitement.

"Prince Stolas arrived about 10 minutes ago," she informed us. "I've arranged for you all to meet in the parlor."

I gripped the fabric of my dress as she led us down the hall. A girl with white hair and a white dress was in front of the doors. "Charlie," she addressed the demoness.

"Vaggie," Charlie smiled. "Why are you there?"

"You don't expect me to believe he won't try something do you?" she asked in exasperation. "Knowing him he'll do something to ruin the reputation of the hotel."

"They are his guests Vag," Charlie explained gently. "We have to respect their privacy."

"We're heading in," Blitzo interrupted pushing past the two females. "Enjoy your lesbian session." I blanched at this and thought about making some attempt to apologize or excuse Blitzo's gross assumptions and frank nature. Finding no words coming to mind, I simply followed after Blitzo and Loona.

Inside was a sight I wasn't quite expecting. Sitting on a chair was the Prince followed by the famous Radio Demon. They were drinking tea, the latter with a sharp smile. Stolas wore an amused expression at something Alastor said. Both turned to us.

"Blitzy you finally arrived," Stolas began, breaking the silence that had ensued.

"Yeah," he smiled. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me in front of them. I found myself awkwardly placed before them. I fought my anxiety and straightened myself in front of the both of them.

Hell's MediumOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora