Chapter 6- Telling My Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head. "Yes, yes, Mel. I believe that this picture frame is good for the sonogram. Wanna get a metallic sharpie? So you can write in the due date on the back of the frame."

"That's not a bad idea, actually." She said, turning to go down the aisle for the permanent marker brand.

She got the ones that she liked and we headed to the cash register

"We're not going to the baby aisle?" I asked.

"Not yet." Melly said. I nodded my head as I got a Sprite from the store's fridge. We went up to African American man behind the counter.

"Oh, will you look at that? A young couple. You two look cute together!" The man said.

"Thank you." We said at the same time. It's nice to get compliments on our relationship.

"You're welcome. Is that all, you two?" He asked.

We both nodded my head as Melly gave him a five dollar bill. The man in the green apron registered the money in and gave back Melly her change.

"Thank you. You two have a good day." The man said.

"No, thank you." Melly said, grabbing out bag.

We walked out of the store and straight to my car. Knowing what Melly wants to do, I'm kind of not looking forward to going home. However, I knew this was necessary. I knew we had to tell them sooner or later. I knew this would always be a nerve wrecking experience for the both of us, but it was just the matter of when we're going to tell them and how we're going to tell them.

I turned on my car and left the dollar store's parking lot. During our way home, Melly and I discussed on how we should present the news to our parents, so it can be easy for all of us. We kept reassuring other that everything will be fine, although I'm not sure if we will be. I'm sure it's just my nerves talking.

"Ready?" I asked, Melly once I've parked in the driveway.

Melly nodded her head. I can tell how nervous she is, by the way she was fidgety with her hands and legs. She was constantly biting her lips and I can tell she was try to think of anything, but the situation, she failed to do so. Being around her for so long, I can pick up these kind of thoughts from her. It's not hard, you've just gotta look carefully.

"How does it look?" Melly asked, giving me the picture frame with the sonogram in it.

"Great." I said.

She nodded her head as she exited the car. I sighed as I did the same thing. I met her up at my door and searched deep in my pocket for my keys. After finding it, I opened the door and let us both inside.

"Hold on." Melly whispered, before going somewhere I don't know.

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