#1: How he asks you out

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Ponyboy: He asked you to help him with his homework. You were very suspicious because he never asks for help. Usually it's you asking him for help. You arrive at his house to find out it is a scavenger hunt. When you get to the end, Ponyboy is waiting for you at Jay Mountain and asks you to be his girlfriend. He was in the middle of a heart shaped out with sparklers.

Johnny: He asked you to meet him at the vacant lot and you both watch the stars for a little. Out of no where Johnny tells you he loves you and asks you out. Of course you say yes because you have liked him for a while. You two cuddle up and stay out there for the night.

Sodapop: He does it right in front of the whole gang. He bends down on one knee and says, "y/n, you are the most beautiful girl I know, I love the way you laugh and you make me happy whenever I see you. Would you be my girlfriend?" Yu say yes and you hug him. The whole gang claps and awe.

Two-bit: He asked you to come over to watch Mickey Mouse with him. On the tv, Mickey tells Minnie he loves her and Two-bit says the same thing to you. He then kisses you afterwards and you hug him back. He asked you to be his girlfriend and you say yes and you watch the rest of the show.

Dally: He asked you to come over to Bucks house and you both go up to a room. He turns his attention to you and tells you that the only thing he can think about is you and wants you to be his. You can tell he is nervous because of what has happened to him before with Silvia. You say yes and you both hug for awhile. He then kisses you and you both cuddle for the rest of the night.

Steve: He asked you straightforward. "Y/n, I've been thinking about this for awhile and, I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend. I love you so much and I just can't think about is not being together. I love you more than chocolate cake." He then smiles when you shake your head yes and you go on for a walk holding each other's hands.

Darry: He seemed a little nervous before he asked you. "Hey, y/n, I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? I love you dearly and it's okay if you don't I just..." You cut him off with a kiss. You tell him you love him too and you go off to tell the gang the news.

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