Only the begining

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While Alex was exploring he broke his foot by tripping over something that he thinks was alive but couldn't tell what it was for it was gone by the time he looked to see what it was and his pain had set in. Now I have made him a makeshift cast and we are on our way again. Alex still has quite a limp but he'll survive this and so we make our farther into this tunnel not letting our hands part just incase for this is a dangerous journey.

After walking for what feels like forever and Alex's hand is sweaty in mine and I look around to find something is different. Now the tunnel is darker and there is something solid up ahed of us. "Alex" I whisper "what is that shape
Over there" and in response he just shakes his head to let me know he has no idea either. As we step forward I breath in sharply when a huge statue comes into view. Alex walks forward and gets up close to the statue that is shaped like a tarantula but I take a few steps back I am terrified of any kind of spiders.

"Come on Addie lets go you don't have to look at it" Alex tried to get me to move past it but I can't stand close to it without freaking out. "Alex I can't look at such a fucking scary creature" I say raising my voice in terror of it. as he moves towards me "ok Addison we have to keep moving so come on just close your eyes and I'll guide you past" he says.  I breath in deeply and take Alex's arm then he guides me as he said past the spider and a bit farther down the hallway. opening my eyes I turn and hug him fiercely almost knocking him down. " Alex I love you so much thank you" I whisper and he whispers back "I would do anything for you Addie". I push myself back and reach my hands up pulling his face towards mine and press my lips softly to his. Alex wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. Releasing his face I rest my head against his shoulder and we sit there wrapped in each other's warmth.

Alex pulls alway first and says "We should get going or we might starve before we even get there" I nod and we pull apart joining hands and setting off farther down into this seemingly never ending tunnel.

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