The cave

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Hi my name is Addison Addie For short. I am 18 years old, when I was younger my parents used to tell me stories of dragons, danger, bravery, and untold riches. I had never
Thought they were true until now....

Alex and I run through trees trying not to stumble over roots and branches. We are running from a very angry and very large cougar that we accidentally awoke on our journey to find treasure and I know it may sound like a childish thing to do but both our family's need the money. I'm not sure how long we can keep up with the bills our house requires. Suddenly I spot a opening in the ground small enough that we can fit and hopefully the cougar can't. Nudging Alex with my elbow to get his attention "Alex should we jump?" I ask "I can't keep running like this for much longer so we might as well try" he answers back. "On my count" I say "1....2....3 JUMP" we both jump and I feel stomach drop as we fall.

"agh" I exclaim when my feet hit ground painfully hard and I fall. Getting up "sorry Alex I didn't know the fall was going to be that long" I apologize "it's okay, you couldn't have known"Addie we are going to make it through this together and we will get the money to keep the house" he says before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer while he wraps me in a warm hug. We sit there for a moment adoring the silence and warmth of each other. I look up give him one more kiss before saying" Alex it's getting late we should move or we are never going to get there" "ok" he replies and we got up walking forwards into the unknown shadows.

After walking for what feels like hours Alex and I stop to rest. I lay out my sleeping bag using my pack as a pillow "I am so tired" I mumble before drifting off to sleep. The next morning I wake up with a shudder when a scream pierces through the silence. It is Alex's voice and my heart starts to pound as I get up and start towards the direction of the scream. I hear the scream again and my pace quickens "ALEX!!" I yell turning a corner and starting to run. The tunnel walls seem to close in on me but I know it's just my imagination but it feels so real. I run and run but can't find the origin of the screams then when I round a bend I find him huddled on the floor bent over with agony and holding his foot that is bent at an unnatural angle. Rushing to his side I bend down and wrap his arm around my shoulder. I try to lift him but I'm so weak I'll never be able to get him all the way back to camp. I set him down gently and whisper for him to him to stay here and try not to move. Then I get up and run full speed back to camp.

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