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Class of 2021 from my school graduated today and I am happy for them .
Congratulations class of 2021

" oh yeah about that " Wei Wuxian muttered as he straightened out his clothes  While thinking how he was going to drop the piece of news to the others.

"Why don't we all sit down first and then we can know why we are all here " Lan Xichen tried to mobilize the situation

The small group, sat in the living room Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng maintaining the distance between them two afraid of what was going to partake the moment Jiang Cheng had his hands on Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Wuxian do you mind telling the rest of us the purpose of this unplanned reunion " Lan Xichen was the first person to ask. He wasn't eager to know what was going on but he was trying to stop a huge fight from happening.

"So the deal is you all here to help us from the get some criminals " Wei Wuxian spoke up "and they are not any other criminals they are huge ones "

"Well the last time I checked isn't that the police's job " Gu Xiang spoke up

"We are not talking about police work here, the real question is are you in or out, " Wen Kexing asked

"the way you two hauled all of us here do you think we have a second choice," Nie Huisang asked

"that is why you are my favorite " Wei Wuxian smiled cheekily

" And here I thought it was a reunion " Nie Huisang scoffed

"Here follow me " Wei Wuxian leads the way to the deeper parts of the room.

" the thing is, we are here to do a dirty job for someone "  Wen Kexing spoke up

" Dirty job or not as long as I am paid I don't have any problem with it "  Gu Xiang popped her bubble gum

" That's the spirit " Wen Kexing smiled at Gu Xiang who shrugged  " anyway let me stop beating around the bush what I and Weiying are going to do is we are going to perform the biggest con to be done in history" 

" Are you crazy " Jiang Cheng huffed

" Crazy, when are we not crazy "  Wei Wuxian laughed

" I am not going to do this " Jiang Cheng muttered he was not going to include himself in one of his brother's crazy plans " does Yanli know about this "  Jiang Cheng asked

" Her, she is not supposed to know about this "  Wen Kexing shook his head no, there is no way Jiang Yanli would ever know about this, she was the only one who could make Wei Wuxian question his choices and decisions now that they were probably risking many people's lives and his imprisonment he would not risk that.

" Are we going to include the police in this crazy scheme of yours and what makes you have the confidence of what you are going to do? " Zhou Zi Shu asked while looking around the large grand room

" The police are not included and I am risking probably a hundred thousand lives of innocent mortals and I am not going to commit the same mistake I made last time further all we are mortals here we have to forget our immortal selves the moment we start doing this " Wei Wuxian spoke confidently " And I know that among you or us we have much bad blood between us and some major issues between us but let us forget them for now and save these innocent mortals and later we can fix the problems between us " 

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