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Besties this is a short snippet on how Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen met and the formal introduction to the other couple .
Enjoy besties .

300 years in the past .

Jiang Cheng didn't enjoy chasing after Weiying to the whatever place he goes afternoon. If it weren't for him wanting to escape the wrath of his mother whenever Weiying would disappear he wouldn't be in this place the first place . Why on earth did weiying go to the forbidden mountains , Jiang Cheng frowned. They were forbidden for a reason. Sometimes he just wished Weiying would not be stubborn .

As Jiang Cheng ascended through the mountain''s steep cliff he was really planning on his head on how he would jump on Weiying the moment he would find him. He looked at the land before him since he had arrived at the top it was actually pretty he could see the other clans below him this was going to be some place Jiang Cheng would return to only when he was bored . Going down the path Jiang Cheng prayed to his ancestors that some beast would not jump on him .

He passed through a stream and that is where he noticed he needed to quench his unknown thirst . Going down the stoned path slowly and carefully since Jiang Cheng believed he was taking some bargain here , if there were some monster in the waters he had to walk down slowly to avoid causing enough noise to awaken the monster , only his ancestors knew he was in for a huge twist .

That afternoon Lan Xichen had went down the stream to take a bath. He had finished taking a bath now he was relaxing in the stone pool beside the stream . With his heightened senses he had heard someone come down the stone steps . That was very weird the only people who resided this mountain it was him and Master Lan and a few of the servants, not to talk about that young Lad who always hang around his master there was no one else . It couldn't be Weiying , weiying would never go anywhere without the master . Xichen grabbed his inner garment and in a hurry wore the robe like clothe tying the silk ribbon in front to cover his nudity and with his instrument he was ready to fight whatever that was coming down that stoned steps .

The moment Jiang Cheng stepped close to the stream something jumped on him causing his body to stumble back and fall down . He closed his eyes and awaited for his fate but nothing happened to him yet . There was something on top of him pressing him down but it wasn't attacking him that was very strange if you asked him .

Lan Xichen swore he was going to attack the human being but he couldn't because he was his soulmate. But how only deities had soulmates like his Master Weiying was his soulmate . Lan Xichen was not a deity himself his rank in the upper world he was below Yibo but above all the other commissioners and commoners. And to make matters worse his little friend down there was turned on by the sight of his soulmate, this made him resent the deities more. Lan Xichen looked down on his soulmate he doesn't know why but he didn't want to let him go at the moment. His mate was beautiful, Lan Xichen traced his eyes from the sharp jaw to the lips to the closed eyes of his mate .
"open" Lan Xichen spoke out of nowhere, his mind was lost into the bliss of him having a soulmate to know what he was doing and it wasn't helping with the sprung up little friend of his and did i tell you he wasn't wearing anything inside except his robe yeah it was going to be a long day .

Jiang Cheng did as he was told , for one thing Jiang Cheng didn't like to be commanded but there was something with this voice that made him all act up and follow whatever it said . Opening his eyes he led out a large gasp . He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The man above him was more handsome than Emperor Zhou Youzhan , Jiang Cheng never liked the other side he even had chased after a girl back home but the man above him was making him think about many things that his ancestors wouldn't be proud of him . To be honest Jiang Cheng wanted that man to take him and use him right there and down there . Was that even right . His dirty thoughts made him blush beet red he had to get out of here before he did an unforgivable sin to this man . By the time Jiang Cheng Came to his senses the man had disappeared. Jiang Cheng groaned getting up from the ground he realized his little Junior had awoken from his calm state. Jiang Cheng had to take care of his little problem down there by himself which actually sucked.
But what that was actually concerning was how he released by imagining the man above him. What in the world was wrong with him he had only met the man the first time today so how did it progress to this . Jiang Cheng swore he was going to burn incense and apologize to his ancestors for his disastrous behavior today and he prayed he wont meet that man again after today.
Jiang Cheng embarked on his journey long forgetting his thirst he had other things in his mind .

" Master Lan something happened today " Lan Xichen was speaking with Lan Zhan the moment he found him alone.
" What happened " Lan Zhan did not look up from his book.
" I met my soulmate "
If Lan Zhan was drinking something he would have been choking on it now .
" I know right it is impossible i am not a deity i cant have a soulmate unless a deity appoints one to me right, it is not that i know any Deity to appoint me one " Lan Xichen continued not letting Lan Zhan speak
at times like this is when Lan Zhan liked to thank his clueless Xichen
" Wait a minute Master Lan you are a deity "
Or not turns out Lan Xichen is not clueless as Lan Zhan thought .

" Lan Zhan , Lan Zhan look i found this " And at times like this is when Lan Zhan appreciate his soulmate.
" We will talk later " Lan Zhan dismissed Lan Xichen . Who are you lying to Lan Zhan was not thinking on talking to Xichen about his Soulmate not now .
" This is my brother Jiang Cheng . " Weiying was actually referring a thing as a person. 
" Let go of me , and i am not a thing "
Well lets say things weren't working on how Lan Zhan had intended it to be .
" Dinner is ready Master " Two of the servants
After Dinner Lan Zhan Being the good master he is he announced that it was too late to go down the mountain so Jiang Cheng had to stay the night and the first thing the next morning he would go down with Weiying . 

A soulmate is a person whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet , a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before as this connection develops over time you experience a love so deep , strong and complex thaa you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior . This might have sound like an exxergeration but your soulmate understands and connects with you in every level which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are with them .
Lan Zhan knew what he did was dangerous but what that has been done has been done . He did this for Xichen, Xichen has been serving him since they were kids and giving him a companion was the least he could do . Xichen has been a lone wolf his whole life so Lan Zhan decided to grant his companion's unspoken wish. What he did not expect was the soulmate to be Weiying's brother he never expected that.

Slamming things on the way down the mountain Jiang Cheng staggered , his bloody hands, clothes , bruised up body, disheveled face and appearance Jiang Cheng was tired the fight that had erupted on the mountain and it lasted 4 days . Jiang Cheng wasn't in the mood for anything he just wanted to see Lan Xichen and his brother. He hasn't seen them

Hope so you saw the amount of the foreshadowing I did

Hope so you saw the amount of the foreshadowing I did 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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