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"Wow the old man really knew we were going to do the dirty work if it were this people " Wen Kexing went through the files one by one "like really all the demons that escaped the hell realm , the criminals who escaped the immortal realm all of our nemesis they are all roped in here what a coincidence "

"yeah what a really good coincidence , i dont even have to go and look for them" Wei Wuxian placed the remaining box on the table

"okay best friend what is the plan " Wen Kexing removed his feet from the table facing wei wuxian

"What plan i thought you had the plan , why would i be so eager to accept the work " Wei Wuxian looked at Wen Kexing traumatized

"I don't have any plan , you always have the plan you can never trust me to have plans you are the mastermind here i am just the doer " Wen Kexing argued

" just stop "Wei Wuxian breathed in and out "okay to be able to pull of this scums from their comfort zone we need to have a team "

"Where are we going to get a team " Wen Kexing was confused

"you know all of these people have mingled in the mortal world and they have become one with the mortals for us to take them down we need to beat them in their own game " Wei Wuxian tried to explain

"Wait the more you are talking the more i am confused how can we do that , most of them are police commissioners , chief prosecutors chairman or woman to some big companies, some hold a respectable position in the military and the government  for us to be their level it would take a lot of years " Wen Kexing was more confused

" let me show you how we are going to do it , you very well know for us to beat the best we have to be the best " Wei Wuxian pushed the white board to the front of the room .

"Yes i know that"  Wen Kexing nodded

"Okay now let me show you , we are evil right that is facts with no printers and we know we cant just do the old mans dirty job and just not to be benefited from it " Wei wuxian  was placing some photos in the white board while wen Kexing was nodding "Well as the mastermind i have assembled the best team that is going to help us con this scums "

"CON !!! " Wen Kexing fell down from his seat to the ground

"yes figured much we can take out the scums if we become scums ourselves but who is the greatest scums of all a conman , you can be a serial killer ,the president , the police or even a child but who is the one that can take out everyone a conman and that is what we are going to be "

"Yes being a conman is fun and all but all of these are big heist how can we pull it off alone "

"Well that is why i am introducing you the team " Zhan used a pointer out of nowhere

"The What now "Wen Kexing was interested

"The team now listen to me carefully while i introduce to you some important people , for one we need muscles in case we need to beat some people up that is where Wen Ning comes in , he is a bit of a airhead but a cute one , then we need an It genius or geniuses that is where Nie Huisang and Gu Xiang come in , he is fast while she is accurate " Wei Wuxian

Wings Of Light And Darkness Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon