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You got out of the bathroom all dressed up
Feeling relieved and calm from that bath, you made your way to the bedroom

You entered the room and to your surprise Lady Dimitrescu wasn't there
So you sat on the chair in front of her vanity to do your makeup

Her red lipstick was there, so you took it and opened it which was almost empty

you looked at that last bit, which made you think of how great she looked with it
Lady Dimitrescu reclined herself on the doorframe, which you didn't notice
Admiring you silently

"Ah ah ah~"
You turned your head to see her there staring, then coming closer to you, taking away the lipstick from your hands
"~As much as I like it on you, you shouldn't be stealing"

"Oh no I wasn't, I was just curious"

"It doesn't bother me love, either way you'll soon have it smudged on your face"

"Im sure of it"
You smiled at each other then you stood up and grabbed the coat that lady dimitrescu handed you


You nodded and followed lady dimitrescu through the halls

"Mother... Mother"
Bela sounded like she was searching for Alcina
"Im coming sweetheart"
You both went downstairs, Bela stood next to the door waiting for you two

She finally went outside and got in the carriage leaving the door opened for you and Alcina
Lady Dimitrescu gave you a hand lifting you to the carriage
Then sat next to you

"You didn't tell me the mortal was coming"

"now now, don't be so rude"
Bela rolled her eyes but anyways didn't mind your presence

It was quiet most of the ride, except for the weird sounds that came from the forest which was very cold, to the point where you started to shiver


Lady dimitrescu placed her hand on your chin lifting it upward
"Oh my, you are freezing"

"Oh im fine, really"
You weren't but she really seemed to know you

Alcina lifted her eyebrow and picked you up unexpectedly placing you on her lap
your legs hanged from the side
Carefully she placed your head on her chest then stroked your arm

"Much better I hope"

"Thank you love"

Her other arm was placed on your lower hip, holding you tightly, her body was cold nevertheless her skin warmed you up

After a few hours, finally arriving to the town Bela exited the carriage meanwhile you stretched yourself

"Well let's go ladies"

You walked towards bela, exiting the carriage whilst Lady Dimitrescu picked up a small purse

"Bela, take care of Y/N while I pick up some things, and you behave my dear"

"What, why- Fine"
Her look had seemed to intimidate Bela
Alcina kissed you both on the head, you winked at her and she then left further into town

"I guess It's just you and me now"

"Y/N enough with the small talk"

You looked at her confused, she crossed her arms looking away
"Bela, I would really like to get to know you, don't take it the wrong way"

"Is that so?"
Her face suddenly filled with joy, which made you feel bad for some reason

You smiled and now her excitement was different, not the one in which she'd like to harm you but the one in which she enjoyed your politeness
You both walked and talked, trying to get to know each other for a while

It was all good until you started to feel lightheaded once again

Your heart started pounding and suddenly you became sweaty
"Y/N are you alright?"

"Im- yeah I just need to sit"
You both sat down in a bench away from the crowd

"What's wrong?"

"Im just... it's been so long since i've had any interaction aside from you four"

"I think I understand"

Your mind was filled with the past, ethan, rose and now this town filled with strangers

"It's all been so strange, do you know what happened to- well you know them"
You looked at Bela feeling panicked still
She immediately caught up with your question

"Them... that man thing, Mother really hated that man"

"Is he- dead? I mean by now he should right?"

"Oh yeah, mother took care of it with Karl"
Your face filled with confusion at this new name
"He is like mothers sibling, well not literally but Ethan is gone now"

You let out a sigh of relieve, there wasn't much empathy left for that man, after all he did

Suddenly a trading spot caught your eye
You stood up from the bench and went in,Bela followed

"Hi welcome"
The man behind the counter looked intimidated for some reason
You thought 'Oh it's definitely Bela'

You pointed at a red lipstick that was in the showcase
The man looked at you then analyzed Bela throughly

Without a word he handed you the lipstick you pointed at
"How much is it"

"ah- well it's- take it, on me" Not taking his eyes off Bela, nor did she
She gave him a frightening look, up and down
He nervously smiled and went to the back

"Humans... Weird creatures"
Bela laughed

You put the lipstick in your pocket when that strong perfume hit you
"I've been looking everywhere for you two"

"Hi mother"

You turned back and saw Lady Dimitrescu standing there
She pat Bela's head then tucked your hair behind your ear with her other hand

"took you long enough"

"Missed me, didn't you"
She smirked then looked at Bela's disgusted face

"Can we go home now mother"

Alcina stroked your back, sending
shivers down your spine at her touch
"Yes, but there a stop I need to make on the way"

You started walking back to the carriage holding Lady Dimitrescu's hands
while Bela walked in front

"Where is it we're going?"

"Curious one are you?"

"well yes"

"Don't worry, It's just something I have to drop off"

Lady dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now