Cursed Fangs

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Slightly smutty

A week had passed and you were still in that cellar, at the verge of going insane, food was sent to you from now and then,
where she was you wondered, which should've been least of your worries

But this time was different as Bela entered the cellar
"Still living after all"
You wasted no time to ask
"why me? What did I do?"

She chuckled
Quickly after someone entered the cellar, A woman that had 'wings', you were more terrified than ever, as she analyzed you and enjoyed your smell

"Well now, I can see why Alcina has kept you all to her self"
she came closer and set you loose from the chains
For some reason aside, Bela looked terrified of her as well
"She is a selfish woman if you ask me"

She took your arm and with her long nail she carved a line on you arm
When the door slammed

"Now what is it you are doing to her"
Lady dimitrescu, with her red eyes again and a fist formed with both hands

"Oh Alcina just in time~ she let your arm go turning towards her
~Come on don't give me angry eyes"

Dimitrescu's eyes went back to that yellow
"Don't you remember what we agreed on~ she focused her eyes on you
~You don't touch my belongings"

You got goosebumps as neither of you took your eyes of each other
That woman, took one more look at you
"Alcina, you make sure you give her good use"
they both seem to agree
'What use would I have' you said to yourself

"Now Bela, escort Miranda outside"
Bela nodded and left with the woman

Now only the two of you in that cellar
she stared at every inch of you in detail, as you waited for her to break the silence

"Follow me now, pet"
You haven't moved in a week, your legs are cramped, standing up seemed impossible

But you managed anyways
Your wrist were bleeding from the chains
You wrapped them up in the shirt

'Is she mad at me' You thought while you followed her, maybe finally you could understand her behavior, you obey, she treats you, you disobey, she punishes you

You tried to figure out as you followed her what you'll end up doing when she stopped
she looked at you over her shoulder
"you'll now work for me, my new maiden
is that clear"
Leaving you no opinion in the matter you have no other choice than accept
"cristal my lady"
she smiled proud and guided you towards her bathroom

You finally arrived at the bathroom where there was clothes already on the sink
"What are you waiting for sweetheart"

You looked up to her
"Yes sorry, i'll shower now"

You walked towards the tub too nervous ti notice you left the door open with Alcina just standing there

You kneeled in front of the tub and waited for the perfect temperature to set
Taking you shirt off
Dimitrescu letting her eyes admire you
" Is this an invitation for me to join you"

You jumped when you heard her voice turning around in your underwear
Her smile suddenly turned into an amazed face as she looked at your body

You felt something different than any feeling you ever experienced before
The butterflies in you stomach suddenly flew everywhere
She walked closer to you, just her chest over your head while she caressed your shoulder
"you know I can hear your heartbeat"
She said and smiled

"oh- you-" she cut you off
"silence now"
She raised you chin with her hand looking at your neck making sure you weren't injured
Lady dimitrescu, kneeled down to your height to check further
"poor you and those wrist of yours"

They were bleeding, as she kept staring at them not saying one word, holding them as if someone would take them away from her
Her fangs came out, she didn't even notice it, she was lost in your blood
You knew what she wanted and without any hesitation you set them loose from her and put it on the mouth

You weren't surprised about what you just did, rather satisfied
She looked at you and down at the and inserted her fangs, licking off every drop not letting them escape

She seemed so dominant yet when your blood touched her mouth, she was tamed
the satisfaction in her moans as she drank from you was like no other
At least thats what you thought

She finished and licked to her satisfaction
She cleaned herself on the floor still and locked eyes with you

Kissing you in the cheek leaving her red lipstick mark

She moved her lips to your ears, your neck hairs rose as shivers went down your spine
placing her hand on the other side of you neck
"Oh, well now, I have claimed you as mine"

-Authors note-
I haven't figured out a plot yet, but I have an idea, feel free to leave any
I'll make each chapter longer from now on:)
I'll post more chapters I promise

Lady dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now