༶•chapter 1•༶

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"Come on Luka!"

"Just wait, I can't find my jacket."

"Dummy, it's right there!"

You and Luka couffaine had been friends since you were little, both of you grew up in the same neighbourhood and attended the same elementary school. You could remember the first day of school so clearly. Luka had been in a panic, looking for his favourite jacket prior to leaving.

You remember teasing him about it, and pointing out that it had been right in front of him. Your tiny little hands poked his cheek, as his face turned a cherry red out of embarrassment. "We don't want to be late, come on!" You grinned, taking his tiny hand in yours, and running off together to school.
You could still remember his small hand gripping yours as you ran. Both your laughs of joy echoed in your ears.

~Present Day~

"Where is it!" You groaned in frustration, tearing your closet apart to search for your favourite shirt. You had at least a few more hours until school started, but you wanted to get to Luka's house sooner than later. Ever since you were kids it had been tradition to walk to school together everyday, especially on the first day back.

"What are you rambling about now?" You heard your mother call from downstairs, her tone of voice seemed annoyed. "I can't find my shirt!"

"What shirt?"

"You know! The one I always wear, it's black with a few rips in it? Ring a bell?"

"It might be in the washer, go check for yourself." You sighed and jumped over the pile of clothing on the floor. You've had the black shirt since you could remember, you remember Luka's mom had gotten it for you on your birthday.

"Stupid shirt!" You groaned, checking the washer and dryer quickly. When there was no sign of the shirt, you inhaled sharply, a frown creeped on your face. "Oh well.."

One of the main reasons you loved the shirt was because of how baggy and comforting it felt when you wore it. You weren't quite into clothes that showed too much skin.

Quickly, you hurried back into your room to find something comfortable to wear. You finally decided on wearing ripped black jeans, with a dark blue hoodie that was maybe just a tad bit oversized.

You then slid some gel into your thick curly hair, and walked downstairs. "I'm heading out." You told your mother, looking around for something to eat on the way, but not having any luck finding anything. "Have a great day,"

You smiled at your mother before shutting the door behind you.

The summer air was dancing around your skin the moment you stepped outside, "maybe it wasn't the best idea to wear a hoodie.." You sweatdropped, feeling your body overheat.

You ignored the heat and continued to walk to Luka's house, or rather boat. It was a rather short walk, due to you both living in the same neighbourhood.

Once you arrived, you greeted his mom, and noticed Jeluka lounging on one of the chairs up front, "good morning Jeluka!" You grinned, sitting down beside the black and purple haired girl.

Her face lit up when she saw you, "Y/n, hey" She calmly said

"what's up, excited for school?"

"What kind of question is that, of course I'm not."

You laughed and nodded your head in agreement, "fair enough."

"You're excited to see Rose right?"

Jeluka blushed at the thought of the short sand blonde haired girl. You had noticed the way Jeluka looked at her every time they hung out together, you even noticed how protective she was of her in school at times.

Usually she would say something to defend her 'friend' whenever Chloe said something mean. "I better go get that annoying brother of yours." You teased, watching as Jeluka chuckled and waved you goodbye.

You walked down to Luka's room and immediately grinned, "Good morning sunshine!" You chirped, dancing your way into his room. Once you saw the blue and black haired boy sitting on the edge of his bed, you grinned even harder.

"Good morning loser" he greeted back, strumming the strings of his guitar gently. Your smile grew brighter as you listened to the soft melody coming from the instrument. "New song?"

"Maybe." The boy smirked at you, as you sat down next to him. "Can I hear what you have so far?"

The boy nodded and once again strummed his fingers along the instrument. The melody was soft and made your heart beat faster with every note.

You gently swayed to the music, a warm smile taking over your face. You loved it when Luka played his guitar for you.

Everything he did made you smile. But there was something about his music that made your heart flutter every time you listened to it.

Once the music stopped, you watched as Luka stood up and set his guitar down. Your eyes darted to his hand that was held out for you to take, "we don't want to be late." He grinned, as you took his hand and walked slowly in front of him.

As you both reached the top of the boat, you looked over at your best friend and asked him with one brow raised, "you have your jacket dummy?"

Sorry this is a short chapter! The chapters will be longer from here on out! Let me know what you think of the story! <33

hold my hand through the dark- luka couffaine x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now