When you wake them

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*Sleeping while holding a pillow* { He looks cute even when he is asleep (✿◡‿◡) }

'Mhmm.... Goooo Valtryek!' *Is punching the air even when he is asleep* You walked over to him and saw his hair down, and you just screamed internally about how cute he was. Just when you were about to wake him up, 'NOOO! Valtryek...' He screamed and fell of the bed. 

'Owwiee..' he whined and then saw you giggling, 'Hey its not nice to laugh at someone who fell!' He pouted, and you apologized. *His stomach grumbles* 'looks like I am hungry hehe..' He smiled sheepishly 'Lets go and eat some bey breads!' 'YAYY!!' He was so happy about eating bey bread, so happy that he slipped down the stairs and crashed at the end of the staircase. { Poor Valt :( }     


'Zzzz...' *Snores* He was sleeping in the sheep's pen. Before you could wake him up, all the sheeps surrounded him and started to lick his face and tickled the life out of him. 'Sto- HaHAhaHAHa' He couldn't complete his sentence and cried in laughter. After the tickling session ended you went to him and smirked 'I didn't know you were ticklish...'    


This innocent boy was sleeping peacefully and you decided to prank him, first you searched the entire place for whipping cream and a feather (Ik where you are going y/n) You placed some whipping cream on his hands and tickled him with the feather. 'Mmmzzzz' He thought it was a mosquito and smashed his hand on his face and all the whipping cream was on his face. 'Huh?' he opened his eyes and saw you giggling, then he saw whipping cream on his hand, then he touched his face to find some cream on his face as well. 'Yummy..' he licked the cream of his hand and then went back to sleep. Y/n *stares* 'I-' no comments.

Hikaru and Hyuga-   

They both were sleeping in the same room, You went up to wake Hikaru, you called out his name but no response then an idea popped up in your mind. You wacked two pans and Hikaru  jumped up from his bed. 'Gooood morning!' 'Oh... Y/n good morning...' he still looked sleepy. Now it was Hyuga's turn, You and Hikaru both tried your best to wake the sleeping beauty but at last both of you collapsed on the floor tired from all he hard work. Then out of the blue, Hyuga woke up and said while rubbing his eyes 'Huh Y/n? Hikaru? why are sleeping on the floor?'  

Thanks for reading and the adorable pic isn't owned by me. (445 words) Byee~

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