What happened?

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TW: This chapter will contain Swearing, Self Harm and talks of Suicide. If you are easily triggered I do not recommend reading this chapter, stay safe!

When I open my eyes, the room was dark and I didn't know where I was at first. Everything was still pretty blurry, but I noticed someone at the end of the bed.

Y/N: "Cordelia? Is that you?"

Cordelia: "Y/N!" as she practically jumps in my arms

I couldn't remember what exactly happened all I remember was setting up the bath and getting in, then everything went black. But, by Cordelia's face I could tell it wasn't good whatever I did. I looked down and noticed the bandages around my wrist. Oh god, I didn't do what I think I did. How can I be so fucking stupid, Cordelia finds out everything one way or another. 

Y/N: "What happened?" I mumbled kind of hoping she didn't hear

Cordelia: "Your gonna have to talk to me at some point hun..."

I knew that was coming, I wanted to tell her so bad and have her hold me in her arms. But, something was holding me back and I couldn't get any words, my throat was all dried up. As I tried to lift myself off the bed, my legs felt like jello, how long have I been out? 

Cordelia: "Hey, you need to rest Y/N...your body can't take that much right now."

Y/N: "I can't just be weak and lay in bed Cordelia" you snap at her again

Cordelia didn't say anything as you try to walk to the door yourself, while she's right behind you just in case you fell. 

Cordelia's POV:

At this point I didn't know what to do, I knew they needed space but I can't let this happen again. They might not make it next time...and there shouldn't be a next time, right? They were so smart and talented, I don't understand how they could do this to themselves. I had to get to the bottom of this. If I lost another witch...I just wouldn't be able to forgive myself. They seem to not want my help, but at the same time every time I look into their eyes all I see is the pain. 

Myrtle comes in and realizes you're gone again and it's just Cordelia sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the wall blankly. 

Myrtle: "Cordelia, Dear are you alright?"

Cordelia jumps a little, being surprised Myrtle came in.

Cordelia: "Yes, I'm fine I was just-" she get's cut off by Myrtle

Myrtle: "Where's Y/N?"

Cordelia: "They said they wanted to get out of bed...I couldn't stop them." while the tears stream down her face. Cordelia cared about you a lot, you just didn't know how much yet...

Myrtle: "Do you know where they went?!"

Cordelia: "I'm not sure..."

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