The baby's milk powder is only available on the airship. I forgot to bring it down.

Feng Ting snorted and stood up without hesitation, his hands twitching on his pants: "It's uncomfortable."

Wen Qiuxing: "Is the pants Bruce gave you too small?" He said, looking back, he was thrown to his face by His Majesty's capital again.



Earth people looked down at themselves, but nothing happened.

He was angry.

"Then wait here for a while, and I will take the baby to breastfeed." Wen Qiuxing said, walking out of the locker room, he saw the guards guarding the manor outside the door.

"Send me to the airship." Wen Qiuxing was really scared and had to bother others.

After a while, Princess Coyne and Count Elio greeted each other and asked each other about the king.

"He is still inside." Wen Qiuxing said: "The cub is hungry and the milk powder is still on the airship. I will take a step first."

"I'll send you." Princess Coyne said: "Alio, you are waiting for your majesty here."

Elio nodded and watched them leave.

Finally, when His Majesty came out, Elio bowed his head.

"His Majesty."

"What about that person?"

"It has been seized."

"Sent to the military court." The king said: "The murder of the crown prince is handled according to law."

"Yes." Elio nodded, silent in his heart for the family of Huster who had been in trouble.

But then again, the Huster family taught Nino this way, it cannot be said that there is no responsibility.

There are also those cabinet ministers who are unscrupulously involved in His Majesty's marriage, I am afraid all will be unlucky.

On the silent airship, Wen Qiuxing took the milk powder that the old aunt helped him prepare: "Thank you." He said, and then bowed his head to feed the hungry baby seriously.

Perhaps the baby was not hungry at all, but was frightened, and only nursing could appease his injured little heart.

The two adults listened to the regular movements of the baby when they were breastfeeding, and looked up and smiled.

Then the king came.

Princess Coyne quickly got up and paid a deep salute to the coming Wei An figure: "Apologize to you again."

Her lips were slightly pale, and it was difficult to forgive the incident for her own.

The king glanced at her, skipped her directly, and went to Wen Qiuxing.

"need my help?"

A voice came from the top of the head, Wen Qiuxing raised her head and glanced at it, only to find that the 140-year-old old auntie was hanging by her: "Fuck?"

The old aunt has apologized. Is this useful for blaming others?

"Get up." The king sneered.

Princess Coyne relieved a little and straightened her waist.

"You can go." Feng Ting chased people.

Princess Coyne turned around and said, "Come back." Before leaving, he looked deeply at the young man who nodded and said goodbye to her.

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