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Once they got to the Queen Mansion Oliver went to change his clothing "Oliver, come and greet our guest!" his mother yelled from downstairs, he then walked downstairs where he saw me standing, his expression changed but immediately went back to his normal one

"I'm Oliver Queen, you are?" he said putting his hand out

"______ Ordaz, it's good to finally properly meet you Oliver" I answered shaking his hand

We walked to the dinning room and sat down at the table, once we sat down we started eating "So _______ how is your father's company doing?" Mrs.Queen asked

"It's been doing okay, quite successful these past months actually" I answered

"That's good to hear" she answered, we talked for a bit longer, after we finished eating I checked my watch

"It's getting late, I should be leaving now, thank you for the meal Mrs.Queen" I said standing up

"Your welcome" she answered "Oliver why don't you walk her outside?" she continued

"Sure" he said following closely behind me, "Is your name really ______ Ordaz?" he asked after we walked out of the house

"It is, feel free to look it up if you don't believe me, also don't you have an appointment with someone?" I said getting into the car and driving away shortly after

He called Felicity, she answered "Has she transfered it yet?" he asked

"Yeah, she made it a few minutes ago" she answered

"Also look into a women named _______ Ordaz, tell me what you find tomorrow" he continued

"Sure" she answered as he hung up

The next morning he went Verdant and went to see what Felicity found "What did you find out?" he asked as he started his normal training routine

"Her father owns a company called Starlight Industries, mother deceased, and a brother named James Ordaz" she said

"She seems pretty normal to me" John said

"But there is something more that will interest you Oliver" she continued

"What?" he asked as tennis balls fell from the sealing and he started shooting them

"She disappeared for four years and when she got back from... where ever she was she refused to say a word about where she was and how she got back, she still refuses to tell anyone what happened" she finished

"Thanks Felicity" he said going up the stairs calling his mom on the phone

"Who is this?" I asked through the phone who's caller ID was unknown

"Hello _______, care to join me for dinner?" Oliver asked through the phone 

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