We Meet Again

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"Julie Vazquez, you have failed this city" the Arrow said as he shot and arrow at her "if you don't give back what you stole from this city, the next time I wont miss" he continued as Vazquez fell to the ground unconscious, he went to check her pulse as I walked into the room, when he saw me he got up and pulled an arrow out of his bag and put it into the bow aiming at me.

"I know you wont shoot me" I said watching his movements

"What makes you think I wont?" he asked tightening his grip on the bow

"Easy, you wont shoot me unless it's necessary, it's obvious by your movement" I answered

"Really?" he said as he shot the arrow at me I dodged it, he shot another arrow at me at point blank range, I cought it with my one of my hands

"Yes, and im pretty sure you don't want to kill me... Oliver" I answered with the arrow still in hand

"Who are you and how do you know who I am?" he inquired ready to shoot another arrow

"I wouldn't waste anymore of your arrows if I were you and you'll get your answers in due time, bye for now" I said as he put his arrow back and when he turned I was gone, he then returned to the club to meet with John and Felicity

"Wait, your telling me that she came from nowhere, dodged one of your arrows,cought another one, and she also knows who you are behind the hood" Felicity said with a small gape looking at him

"See if you can catch her entering or exiting the building, or any of it's premises" he said looking at her

"Sure" she said typing on her computer "no, someone cut off all the cameras in the building, but I do have some video of before it cut off" she continued pulling up the video on screen, he watched it about seven times

"She's not in it" he said with a frustrated sigh "let's go Diggle" he said walking up to the door with John following behind him as Felicity started turning off her equipment

The next morning he woke up and got dressed in a suit and walked down to have breakfast where Thea and his mom were already seated just starting to eat, once Oliver finished he stood up and was about to leave the table "Oliver  make sure to get her early for dinner, a guest will be joining us" his mom said

"Okay, I'll make sure to be back early" he said leaving with John waiting for him in the car, he got into the back seat and drove away

Once they got to the club Oliver went down to the basement with John behind him, Felicity was sitting in her chair looking at the computer screen while typing, Oliver started training as usual, time passed quickly, he checked the time and walked to the door "Isn't it a bit early to leave?" Felicity asked

"Dinner guest" Oliver replied opening the door, she nodded as he left

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