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Kao was sitting in his cabin doing some paper work just then his eyes glanced at the photoframe kept in his table. A smile crept on his face and thought of just a small talk with his boyfriend. Just then P'Pompam enters the room and kept a file in the table in front of him.

"Agreement papers from GMM company to advertise our product."


Kao was surprised because the company behind whom they were running to sign for many of their products but always got rejected came from the front to for this.

"Yes, looks like Win's influence is very strong"

Suddenly Kao's expression to as if he saw a ghost. He glared at his manager again and asked


"Win the actor your boyfriend has send. After he agreed with us our product has increased very high, unbelievable way!"

Kao just shook his head and again try to make his mind and himself calm and made it understand that this Win is not that Win. He can't be here, it was all past, he should not bother his present but then he suddenly remembered all those things which he has gone through and is going made him sad.

"I'm thinking Kao why not change him to be the ambassador of that product from now on than Sorn"

Kao just nodded

"Here these are papers look at it, think it carefully and then tell me"

Again he nodded. He gone through all the papers to see that their sale not only in Thailand but in international market has also create a great boon. But then again and again same thing is eating him inside. Just then Rome entered the room and Kao was so much drowned in his thought that he didn't even saw when did Pompam left the cabin.

Rome dumped himself in the sofa but when his eye went to see his friend he saw that he was thinking something very deeply and ignoring him completely. He rested his head in his palm and looked towards him

"Thinking what to try new this night?"😏

"Huh? Rome?!"

"Yes me fool!"🙄

"When did you enter the cabin?"🤨

"When you were doing sex in your nation"

"Which nation?"



Rome's smile grew more wide, he drew out his phone and started chatting with his one and only boyfriend Pick.



His eyes were still in his phone.

"Do you remember Win?"

"Win? Who Win?... Ahh! beggy bastard!"

Kao nodded and then all those incident started playing in his mind again, suddenly his breathing was becoming uneven but Rome didn't saw so he tried to calm his mind by patting his thigh from under the table.

"Why? did you saw him?!"

"No no no!''

"Then what?"🤨

"Actually.. do you remember that I told you that we have brought another person in place for Sorn... his name is also.. W..Win..so"

"So you think its that beggy bastard?"

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