🇵 🇪 🇦 🇨 🇪

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After reaching the told place or I should company, I saw P'Paaty standing near the entrance and waving his hand in the forward direction telling me to run towards him. I looked at my wrist watch to see the that we still have an hour time then what is he rushing for. But eventually I never argue with him, he is elder than me and I respect everything he says because at last what am I now is all because of him.

"Are you going to do the photoshoot there?"

I was thinking so much that I didn't saw I wasted 2 min inside the car and look he came running to the car and now banging the window. 🙄

I opened the door with all my necessary items gave him a smile and move towards the designated place.

"Win this is a very important photoshoot and we can't say anything now but if it went well they can even sign a contract with us for this product. So don't try to be rude with any of the staff here"

"I can't assure you"

P'Paaty was there for me from the time when I struggled to have a normal life like everyone, yes you can say he is one of them who know about my disease.

The syndrome makes me look like a typical pathetic person. Irritative, attitude, poor health condition but now it's better or I should say much better. Because of only three people Pao, Dean and P'Paaty. Phi has seen me struggling through life like a bird without a beak, it was devastating but he was the one who held my hand lead me the way.

Of course this disease doesn't occur to middle age people like me moreover I got it at very young age but we all know we can't say about these all things.

"Win go and change your dress"

Now I'm standing in the changing the room with my attire in my hand, sometimes I really feel if one day P'Paaty left me because of my behavior or if I haven't had meet him that day then.

Why to think nonsense?

"Are you done?"

A voice came out from outside the room, the voice which changed my life, the voice because of which I'm something in this world more than a mere beggar.


I came out with pendant which is alway hanging in my neck, purple colour shirt opened till half of my chest is viewed, tear and torn metallic jacket, black pant and of course with the best ornaments.

"Good, now go there and wait till set is ready"

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"Good, now go there and wait till set is ready"

"Huh! Then why did make me rush?" 😬

"Its better we be ready before time, we shouldn't give chance to other people to nag at us "

"Just as you are doing"😒


And here gets the slap in the head 🙄.

WORD TO HEALOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant