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It didn't take long for the werewolves to get mentioned. I didn't even know they existed, well I didn't know much with Alex.

———— Jacob
Bella tells me about a half- vampire and human who arrived here. I really can't believe things like that exist. And how is it even possible for a vampire to have kids, they're dead?

I got the pack together to go find the girl and tell her about the rules and boundaries.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" Quil asks.
"Yes, she could be dangerous." I spit back.

We get there. Edward stands at the door as a girl walks out. I hear a noise so I look over.
"She's really pretty." I hear one of the guys whisper. I go to yell at him, but I catch a glimpse of her.

My eyes dart to her. The whole world changes right then and there. Nothing but her. Her hair, her eyes, her eyebrows, everything about her. She keeps looking at me confused. I have the urge to stop the whole world right now if she asked me to. She smiles softly as she looks at all of us. That. That's all I need, her smile.

Someone starts laughing, taking my attention away from her. It's Edward.

"You just imprinted on y/n." Edward says laughing. Fuck.
"Imprinted?" She asks. Her voice sends something through me. It's powerful and ancient.
"You should explain it." Edward says looking at me enjoying this a little too much. Y/n looks over at me.
The guys around me are confused.

———— y/n
"They're coming." Edward says.
"Who?" Rosalie says.
"The pack." Edward says. Rosalie scrunches her nose. Edward laughs.
"Why?" I ask.
"For you. Just stay here until you see them." He says. I nod slowly.

He walks outside and waits there. I see a group of guys and a girl walk up.

I walk out. I can feel their eyes on me, and it makes me self conscious, and reminds me of Alex. I push away the memories. Edward gives me a look, and I ignore it.

"She's really pretty." I can hear one of the guys say. Oh, well. I look at all of them trying to figure out who it was. One of them is staring at me, and it confuses me. I look away to smile at everyone, but I still feel his eyes on me.

Edward starts laughing.
"You just imprinted on y/n." Edward says. What?
"Imprinted?" I ask.
"You should explain it." Edward says looking at him.  I look over at him.

"I- well. Imprinting is when you see someone, and there whole world feels like it revolves around one person. You'd do anything, be anything for that person." He says. I look around slowly. I don't know how to feel about this.

"It's basically soulmates, but only werewolves do it." Edward says.
"Oh?" I say still confused. I don't even know his name, but we're soulmates?

"What's your name again?" I ask. Some of the guys laugh.
"Jacob." He says. Jacob. I repeat in my mind. It's important.

"What are your names?" I ask looking at the rest of them. They all say their names.

"Well I'm y/n." I say. They all nod.
"So, why did you come here?" Sam asks.
"Well I needed to get away, and I had heard about the Cullen's." I say.
"Away from what?" Quil asks.
"I- from..." I start to say as all the thoughts start to come in. I'm trying to push them away.
"What's this 21 questions?" Edward says reading my mind.
"No I was just wondering." Quil says.

"Well we should get going." Sam says. "Are you staying?" He asks Jacob.
"Yeah." Jacob says looking at me.
"Okay." They all leave.

I look over and notice Edward has now left leaving Jacob and me alone.
"So, you're a werewolf?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
"What's that like?" I ask.
"It's something. I mean it's cool but it gets to be a lot sometimes." He says.
"So what's this imprint thing?"
"It's weird, but you'll understand as it goes on." He says. I nod slowly.

"So what now?" I say.
"We go on a date." That was bold.
"When and where?"
"Tomorrow, and ice cream?"
"Sure." I say smiling.
"Okay what about like 7?"
"Yeah works for me."
"Perfect." He smiles.

"So can I ask why you had to get away?" He asks.
"Well, I wasn't exactly loved where I am from, I was just used. There was this one guy, A- Alex. He was the worst. He's my ex but I- I wish I never met him. He's the worst. He would hurt me, just for his own fun." I say. He wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry. He won't be able to hurt you now." Jacob says.

"That's the thing. He said he was going to hunt me down and find me if I ever left." I say realizing the wet tears now rolling down my face.
"I won't let him hurt you. I promise." Jacob says.
"Thank you." I say.

(A.n: this chapter is kinda short but next one will be longer I promise, I'm just really tired rn it's almost 1 am. Lmk what you think??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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