【Chapter XXIII】

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(author Groovie: So there is been technical error to play music while reading, but yeahh please listen to the song "Here's your perfect by Jamie Miller" i will still try put it up there ,☝️☝️ if ever it play while reading then it's great, soo yeah enjoy reading)


"Father" I mumble as i look at the guy that is now in front of me, the man i been looking for the father i want to meet ever since i was little, the father i want to be hold, to grow with the father that i once though is gone.

"Boys leave us alone now" He told to the guys.

"You seem fighting back you look like they been hurting you" He said looking at me checking my cheek.

"Yeahh" I mumble while i just look at him examine his face, i just want to hug him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you out off your mind?" He ask can't he remember me.

"You don't remember me?" I ask him.

"What did they put on you to think that i remember you hahahahaha you know your funny your so dumb and stupid. Do you think i will be fool by does shitty acting?" He said.

"Father it's me Choi Soobin I'm your son" I said even tho it's hurt that my own father won't remember me.

"I don't have a son" He said little irritated.

"You have me and Yeonjun were your sons" I keep telling him his emotional just change he became mad.

"Remember Yeonjun your son from Choi Heeyoung, im also your son that you protect ever since i was young because my identity was easy to get. Father it's me Choi Soobin your second child remember Lee Sarang she's my mom remember her father" I tell him everything to just remember me as his son i can't even help to hold my tears letting my voice crack each words i say.

"Father it's me Soobinahh your son Yeonjun younger brother father" I just cry out as I'm looking at him.

"I don't have a fucking son Yeonjun is not even my son, i just kidnapped you because i know Yeonjun love you the most and by now he know his true father and then he will ask him for help that Choi Daehwan who toke my lovely wife, i will kill them both his son Yeonjun and him Choi Daehwan" He said smiling in his own plan, his like going crazy.

"I don't believe you Yeonjun is my brother were your sons" I keep saying he just look at me madly.

"I don't have a son not you or even Yeonjun because before the attack happened my wife Yeonjun's mom told me the truth, the time they thought i die i played there son mind to think his own father is a killer"He said even laughing playing with his gun.

"So I'm really just a nothing to you? You just use me to kill the person who once love you the most? I'm your own son that you can't even love truly like how you loved Chan hyung, Minho hyung, Hyunjin, Jisung, Changbin hyung? What happened all the words Minho hyung told me about you? The man loved them like his own sons like his own child? Why me who is your true son who been longing for you love and touch? Why can't you loved me like how you did to them? Why father? Now i know the guy i love is not my sibling that you loved the most before, is now happy with his dad but me why can't you love me?" I just want an answer to all of my questions why can't he love me.

"I'm your son from Lee Sarang who is now married with Lee Kangshin" I said.

"No no no no no stop keep your FUCKING MOUTH SHUT NO NO" He start shouting holding his head walking back and forth.

"Father" I call out.

"SHUT UP?!?" He shout at me again but next thing i felt is a harp pain in my stomach he fire his gun at me.


"Soobin Soobin" He throw his gun away and he finally look at me in the eyes running to me.

"Soobinahh" He call me by my name finally he remember me even pain creeping to my body.

He untied me from the chair and he hold me in his arms the warm embrace. I'm longing for so long.

"I'm sorry Soobin I'm sorry daddy hurt you like this, this is my fault I'm being controlled by my madness my psychopathic self" He said while he keep on holding me tight while he cry.

"It's oka-y" I can't speak properly it just makes me feel more pain making me cough blood more, i just collapse on his embrace making us fall on the floor.

"Soobinahh father is every sorry, i'm sorry i didn't protect you even to myself, i'm sorry you grow up with out me sorry that i couldn't love you like what you want to" He speak i just hold his cheek wiping his tears away and he just hold my hand staying my hand on his cheek.

"I love you dad, my father, my wonderful caring father" I just look at his eyes like what Minho hyung said i have a similar eyes of my father.

"Soobinahh stay with daddy okay i will take care of you i will love you like you want we will call the doctor just stay with daddy please i'm sorry" I just nod.

"Don't move Choi Yoowon?!? You can't run away anymore?!?" I hear a shout from someone.

"Leave Soobin?!?" I hear him Yeonjun, our eyes met.

"Yeonjun don't shot please" I said load enough to let them here.

"Dad go to them now they will not hurt you i will be okay" I try to speak even tho it's painful.

"I love you so much Soobin" He said as i mumble i love you too, to him he kiss my four head and he lay me down slowly, then he just walk to them and Chan hyung hold him got him walk him out from the room.

"Soobin Soobin love are you okay" Yeonjun run to me.

"Yeonjunahh" I look at him while his holding me.

"Hey stay with me okay we will be going out now just stay with me Soobin, we have a the chance again we could still continue what we have just stay with me okay" He speak while he cary me in his arms walking out to the place until we reach to the car he just hold me in his embrace.

"I love you Yeonjun" I mumble and hold his cheek.

"I love you too please don't let go" He said while tears start to down to his cheek.

"I won't it's just that it's too painful" As i cought blood again.

We reach to the hospital Yeonjun never let go of my hand until i got lose in the darkness.

Okay okay my bunbun how are guys feeling? You guys good? So yeahh i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter i kinda cry writing this chapter now you know your Author Groove is a cry baby 🤣🤣 and also guys thank again for keeping supporting this book i really still can't believe this we reach 1.6k reads thank you very much a dream come true of mine. Author Groove is out now see you at the next chapter hate is not allow in here don't forget to stay safe, stay happy and don't forget to stay clown bye love you guys

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