【Chapter XVI】

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Almost all day all i did was relax have up with them with Yeonjun, i never been this happy in my life but their this thought that never leave my mind the thought that when will Yeonjun ask me to be his. After all we have the same feeling ever since Chan hyung ask me last night that thought never leave my mind does really Yeonjun love? It's just for a moment ? He is just not for me? I don't know why do i even think about it. It's already night but i'm just in our room looking at the night sky at the window while Yeonjun was out side talking with the members.

"Hey baby" I hear is voice Yeonjun maybe their done talking about something.

"Yes" I answer not even looking at him because i was fascinated by the beauty of the moon.

"You seems to enjoy looking at the moon" He said i just nod.

"Hey let's go out side i have area i know at the house you will see the night sky beauty" He said then i look at him i didn't notice while ago how beautiful his smile that written on his lips.

"Sure let go" I said and smile back at him.

He hold my hand as we walk at the huge house he walk and walk as the night is going dark and the air started to cold they way the house is so calm, the silent of the night as we walk hand and hand i don't want this end this calming hours away from all the problem of the world.

We reach at the rooftop it was surround by fairy lights and a matters at the floor we walk there and we sit. We didn't let go of the hand of one another we look at the beauty of the night sky.

"Baby i have to tell you this tale i know it's little childish but believe me this is a great tale. My tell me this story while we were in Japan since were both here in Japan i want to tell this tale to you" He said while he was looking at the night sky.

"Okay i will listen" I speak then he start to tell the story.

"So there's this story a tale, about the moon and her lover. It's started in one night us the moon was up in the night sky showing her beauty to the world but there is this one guy never ever look at her. So from time to time each night the moon showing her beauty make him look at her. But nothing happened the man never look at her, she promise to herself one day that man will look at her each night as she will bright. As the Goddess of the night the moon try everything to get the man his attention, until on day as the sun shine up while she's down she form herself as woman. But as the Goddess they have this rule to never fall in love with a human because it's not allow, as she form herself as a human she visit the guy from time to time start say hi, hello, how are you? Until they got close each time she went on the human world she only have a time of morning until twilight. Each time they were together they were so happy until they fell in love, one rule that the moon broke but she still continue going to the human world to visit her lover. Until one morning the Goddess of the moon was stop by the Goddess of the Sun, He told Moon to stop going to the human world or worst things could happen. But Moon ask the Sun for a one morning until dawn to give her a chance to say goodbye to her lover. So the Moon look for her lover have a great time with him until it's almost twilight. They talk the Moon said " i need you to listen to me, i will explain you everything" she said and her lover listen " i can't be with you because it's forbidden i'm the Goddess of the night i'm the moon" she explain and her lover believe her " so your saying goodbye to me now?" Her lover ask and the moon nod and she speak again "I will comeback again to you i promise my love, remember this look up the sky each night i will shine so beautifully and bright that's my sign to you, it means i love you just wait for me and i will come back" The Moon promise to her lover the guy kiss her and then the Moon disappear as the Sun fall down. The Moon beautifully and bright up each night saying i love you to her lover, as the guy grow old he never get married or have a family because he was waiting for his moon to go down and meet him again. Until one day the moon goes down to the human world to meet her lover but her lover past away, even tho she lose her lover she still continue going up each night to show her beauty and brightness because that's her sign saying i love you to her lover. So when the moon was bright and beautiful it mean i love you"

"How beautiful story right" He said.

"Yes it does, the thing she promise to herself came true that the man will look at her each night while she show her beauty" I answer the moon promise came true the man she want grow old looking at her.

"Hey you know i have a promise to myself to that i want to be true" He said i look at him then we look back at me a bright smile he wearing.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeahh but i hope this person will make it come true" He said while looking at me like there's no tomorrow.

"Who is that person?" I ask again.

"Soobin it's you, you're the person and the moon is so beautiful and bright" He said i just smile brightly while there tears falling down my cheek.

"The moon is so beautiful and bright Yeonjun" I told him can't even believe what just i said.

"You know it mean i love you right" He said i just giggle.

"Yes and i love you too" I told him.

Then he put his hand on my cheek wiping my tears away. Then i let go of his hand on my cheek he even look at me weirdly, next thing i did is hold his cheek and move closer to him and connect our lips that longing for one another.

He was shock on what i did but not longer he kiss back, letting me lead our passionate kiss just a calm and soft kiss he had until we both stop i rest my forehead on his. We just smile and have our moment.

"I love you Soobin i never been this in love and loved Soobin. Will you be my boyfriend" He finally ask me my wild mind finally all calm.

"Yes Yeonjun and I love you too" I said happly and kiss him again.

Hello my beautiful bunbun sorry for not updating for 3 or 4 days i just gave myself a relaxing time,rest and a time to let myself breath been don't worry i'm fine. Everything is fine and i'm still alive lol so yeahh how you doing my bunbun? Hope you guys are okay and happy. Thank you for continue reading and supporting my book thank you soo much, that's all i hope you guys enjoy this chapter thank you very much. Author Groovie is out peace out hate is not allow in here, stay safe, stay happy stay clown babye love you guys credit to the owner of the picture that use in this chapter. Babye my bunbun see you in the next chapter we already reach 300+ reads thank you so much babye love you again my bunbun❤❤❤❤

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