Chapter Eight.

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(I don't think there are any warnings for this one, other than s a d)

The entire day was you both just cuddling, and staying near each other. Razor never once left your side the entire day, even if he was making dinner, he had to make sure you were next to him. He still hasn't told you what he dreamt of, but you didn't push it all too much.

It was a rather boring day for you both, it was too cold to hunt, and Razor seemed on high alert by every sound he heard. He pressed himself against you for warmth, cold breezes entering the den. November was the worst when Razor wasnt with his lupical. The first time he was told he wasn't a wolf, he slept all winter with just him huddled up in a small corner. Now he had you, and he now thrived off of you for warmth. Sure he was a furnace, and you become overheated by just him hugging you, but he enjoyed it.

He now took baths a little more often, and everytime he came home, the scent of the minty wolfhook shampoo made you smile. He asks you to brush his hair from time to time, and you do. He hums and giggles whenever you talk about Mondstadt and all the juicy gossip, like how Donna whines about Diluc having a wonderful lover, (I SEE YOU DILUC SIMPS DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU :)), how Timmy's pigeons get killed so much, and the talk about Bennett getting more attention from Barbara than some other guy. "What about Klee? Razor hasn't seen her in long time." he smiled, leaning back into you when you started to scratch his head. "Klee's doing well! Still in solitary confinement, but she's learning better habits! Fourteen years of age changes you quite a bit!" You say, and Razor silently wondered if it's been that many years.

Four years since he last saw Klee. Four years since he lost his lupical. He had a big question that popped in his head. "Has Y/N ever had a mate?" He asked, and you tilted your head in confusion. He was quick to realize his mistake. "Ah, uh, B-boyfriend/girlfriend?" He asked, and when you nodded slowly, his heart sank. "In the past, yes, but I haven't dated in years now. It hurts too much." You admitted, and he turned his head to you. "Hurt?" He asked, and you nodded. "It hurts when someone leaves you, or you leave them. It hurts to know the truth, or figure out what your partner has done." You said, and he pressed up against you. "Will Y/N be willing to date again?" Razor asked, looking up at you with sweet puppy eyes. "Maybe, it really depends." You admitted, and he leaned up, licking your cheek. Your face flushed a deep crimson, it wasn't any different from the licks he has already given you, but it felt different.

You continued to play with his hair, subconsciously making it into a large braid. Razor leaned against you more, humming and smiling. You swore your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled. He just looked so innocent, so precious, so cute. You could feel your cheeks heat up, and once your hands left Razor's hair, he laid against you, his head pressed against your chest, and his back on your lap. You noticed his breathing was calmed, and he had his eyes closed. You cautiously wrapped your arms around his upper body, and stared at the outside. It was still snowing, and you were homesick. Razor pressed his lips against your arm, and his position stayed like that.

You were honestly considering your feelings for the man, do you love him? Do you hate him? Were you just friends or acquainted? He was adorable and all, but he did things to you, things you weren't sure you even enjoyed. Yet he looked so guilty after it, maybe it wasn't necessarily his fault?

You were comfortable around him, although you do flinch every once in a while when he tries to touch you, and that lick, it felt so loving to you. November, five more months until you have to leave. It clicked inside of you, you weren't going to see Razor for a whole year, since you traveled to Teyvat one a year for months to see longtime friends and to trade foreign things that would possibly help with medical supplies, or forging weapons. You moved back against a wall, leaning against it while the male was still sleeping in your lap. You looked down at his features, moving your hand to trace the outline of the scar on his cheek.

Razor sleepily nipped your arm, it was a gentle nip, and it didn't hurt. You reached up to the scars on your neck from the first time you encountered him, gently tracing the rough scabs. You felt Razor shift, and looked down at his sleepy red eyes. He rubbed one with his hand balled into a fist, and moved up to get a better look at your neck. He carefully brushed a gloved thumb over the scab, and whined. He moved up more so his nose was nestled into your neck, and you tensed up. He gently placed soft kisses against each tooth mark, like an apology to your poor neck. "Razor sorry." He whined, averting his eyes from your neck to look at you. Your face was red from the kisses that had been pressed against your neck, and he panicked. "Sick?! Y/N sick!?" He whined, pressing his hand against your cheek. He yelped when your head tilted back, your mouth agape and your face completely red.

When you woke up from your fainted state, which was many hours later, the beautiful sweet aroma of jam and potatoes made your mouth water. You stood up, appearing by Razors side, and watching as he placed the melted jam on the paw shaped hash browns. He handed the plate to you, smiling sweetly at you. "Y/N sick! Go rest, Razor feed you!" He said, and you took the plate, sitting on the ferns, wondering what he meant by feeding you. He walked over to you, you witnessed him shove his portion into his mouth, almost choking himself, and sitting next to yourself, chewing, swallowing, then picking up yours. When you were about to protest, he shoved one of the paws on your lips. "Eat," He said, and you complied, closing your mouth over the savory delicacy.

Razor continued to feed you, even wiping the jam off of the corner of your lips whenever you bit down. When he was done, he took both plates, and threw them outside. He hated dishes, and figured he could just steal more! Right?

He returned, and curled up beside you, hugging your arm, and occasionally checking your temperature. You weren't sick, but seeing how red your face was earlier, he wasn't convinced by your retorts. You eventually gave up, and let him treat you like you were ill. He was always proud of himself whenever your temperature would go down, although the temperature always goes up when he places his hand on your cheek, then your head. His cheek was now always on yours, and whenever your temperature rose, he would give you a cloth that had been out in the snow. He was very proud of himself, knowing his lupical will be safe as long as he takes care of them. He liked that, his lupical now consisting of you, and really only you now. He still calls his wolf pack his family, but he did not know if his wolf pack considered him family anymore. It made him very saddened whenever he thought about it, but he wasn't alone now! He had you! His lupical, his friend! His love.Love, that was a good title for you. His love, it fit you, it fit his feelings for you. He wondered if you would like it, so he spoke. "Razors love?" He nudged you, and your cheeks flushed, you stayed silent. "W-what do you mean, Razor?" You responded, cheeks reddening when Razor placed a gentle lick on your cheek. "Y/N, Razor's love," Your brain was scattered, you had no idea what was going on and why he was saying this. "Does Y/N not wanna be called Razor's love?" he asked gently, his puppy eyes growing softer, and more irresistible. He was confessing to you, and honestly it was kinda adorable. "Do you mean, you want us to..?" You trailed off, it being more of a question, and he nodded. "R-Razor, really love Y/N, Razor knows it's fast, sudden, but. Uhm." He admitted, forgetting his words at the end of the sentence, he looked down in embarrassment, his face red. "D-does Y/N feel, same?" He asked, looking away from you. Your eyes were wide, and your heart pounded against your chest. Yet, you responded to the opposite of your feelings. "I'm sorry Razor, but I don't know if I feel the same." You answered sheepishly, and you winced when you saw Razor's happy little face immediately vanish. The hope in his eyes were replaced with heartbreak, and he was no longer flustered out of embarrassment, but from the tears forming from his eye ducts. A pained little 'oh' escaped his lips, and he stood up, and turned around. "Razor going to hunt. Stay." He said, his voice breaking, and he walked out of the cave. 

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