Chapter One

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(Warnings: Amber, Hurt animals, and Neck Bitting (just a bit))

It was a cold winter night in Mondstadt. You had run out of food pretty quickly ever since the shortage of boar was announced. Of course killing Timmies pigeons wasn't an option anymore, though it was fun whenever you could. It saddened you on how you wouldn't have Timmy scream at you, a pigeon corpse in his grasp. Your stomach growled for something more than just a simple salad during dinners, and sometimes even nothing to make sure you had even enough. You were tired of it, you wanted delicious steak that just melted into your mouth, your mouth watered at the thought.

Grabbing your winter coat, you turned the door to exit the house. Pressing forward into the harsh cold, before forgetting a major thing, your weapon. You grabbed your weapon from the stand it was hung up against, and continued your journey to find what you craved. It was cold, freezing even, as the air nipped at your cheeks, and any other bare skin it could find. You've heard Wolvendom had some amazing boar, so you ventured forward, leaving Mondstadts safe walls. You were soon caught off guard by a high pitched voice behind you, calling your name. You sighed, figuring out it was Amber. "(Name)! What are you doing out here it's so cold!" She pointed out, you put a smile on, it being fake. "Hello Amber! I'm currently running short on food, so i decided to get my own instead of pestering Sara about it!" You covered up your groan with a bittersweet reply. You liked Amber, sure, but right now you were not in the mood to be interrupted in your search for the boar you desired. You silently ignored the rest of her questions, a lot of them asking for sweet flowers and mint flowers. You didn't take the quest, but she nagged you on and you had too, later you would just tell her you forgot when you didn't.

You continued your journey through the harsh climates, as it started to snow on you. You huffed, quickly moving into the forests of Wolvendom, hoping to be protected by the thick branches on the trees. You had gotten lucky with the camps of Hilichurls nearby, Infact, it was like any monster in the entire world was gone. You heard bushes rustle behind you, as you yelped and turned around, gripping onto the weapon perched onto your back. You stared at the bush, before striking, it was without thinking and out of fear, and you instantly knelt down to the being you just hurt. It was a wolf, wolves were common in Wolvendom, and you always had a small awe for the animals, as you had seen them roam around for some time. "Oh dear! Oh Lord i'm so sorry!" You yelped, your hands over the wound. You quickly searched in a satchel you had, as you scrambled to find the right medicines. The soft growls behind you didn't affect you until the wolf had perked up its head, looking at what was making the noises. You slowly turned your head, jumping back and scrambling against a tree stump. A boy around your age was glaring daggers at you with his light red eyes. His teeth baring and his nose scrunched up in an animalistic way. His eyes darted to your satchel, and immediately grasped it, spilling out the contents. He spotted the small herb you were looking for, and you reached out to it, which he slapped your hand away.

He stared at it, before looking back at you. The intent to kill if movement was in view could be seen. He looked back at the injured wolf, before sitting next to it. You whimpered, noticing how dangerous this situation could be for both the wolf and you. The boy sniffed the herb, before throwing it off, which you almost shouted at him for. Grabbing onto a purple berry and biting into it, the boy with red eyes chewed until it was a mash, before slathering it onto the wolf's wounds. Curiously watching, you hadn't noticed that the boy pulled out a massive claymore, purple electricity sparkling around it. "Human, Hurt lupical. Human now pay." He rasped, his voice gruff and his english broken. You could not move, you were frozen in both the cold, and the fear that had been produced. The wolf barked at him, and he turned his head to the creature. He sighed, putting away the claymore. Staring at you, he silently thought of a good punishment that could keep you from doing it again.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw you shivering, and being the kind hearted spirit he was, melted. His urge to hurt the person was diminished, as his eyes softened completely, and moved closer to the human, who inched away from him. He mentally scolded himself, he's done this before with people who had hurt his lupical, so he quickly made up a punishment that wasn't too bad, but it was all he could do before taking the human in and caring for them. "Stay. Stay still." He demanded, which he didn't mean to actually do, but it worked, and you stayed in your place. He got down on all fours, and crawled closely to you. His breath was at your neck, as your breathing hitched when you feel something wet and warm pass up your neck, before all your breathing had stopped once he clamped his jaws around your neck. He tugged at your skin, piercing your flesh. It wasn't too bad though, pressing your hand against your mouth to silence any noises you did not want. He released your neck, licking at the wound he had just created. Dazed from both the cold and want you had just experienced, you have not witnessed being flush against something, and the light bounces your body had felt. All you felt was cold, and sleepy, those two weren't a good mix when it came to you, as you softly fell asleep against the person carrying you.

Shattered Wolfhook. (A Razor x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now