Chapter Five

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(Warnings: mentions of last chapter once in the first few paragraphs, other than that shirtless Razor and the large amount of fluff to make up for last chapter.)

You looked at the male pressed against you, the soft snores he made making your heart melt. It was around four PM by the sun slowly setting in the distance, and you've been awake the entire day. Razor's warm embrace was slowly lolling you to sleep, and you did not want to fall into the calming darkness at the moment. Thoughts were racing through your head, especially what happened earlier. He had touched you in places that felt strange, but good, but wrong. You turned to your side, your gaze reaching his flaxen colored bandana. You knew Razor felt guilty, as he did not want to meet your eyes while he apologized to you the hours before he fell asleep. Did he really want a mate that badly? Or as he said, did he really need one?

You noticed the male shift beside you, his face now completely covered by your side. He looked way too innocent to have done what he did to you, but he is the age of Twenty, and a male, not to mention one who lived with wild animals. You wanted to forgive him, you did not answer him last night when he apologized, it was wrong, and that thought made you not even answer him. So many thoughts ran through your head as you watched the male peacefully sleep. You closed your eyes and sighed, your lips pursed when you pressed your chin into his knotted silver hair. You scrunched up your nose, he needed a bath, and badly.

You gently pressed your hand onto his arm, before noticing how rough it was. You saw the scar you were touching on accident, and you frowned. "How does he have so many scars?" you mumbled under your breath, as you shifted to nudge him awake. You nudged him, but he whined, burying his face deeper into your side, and grumbling out a small "Razor doesn't wanna wake up..". You did it once more, and the soft cardinal puppy eyes welcomed you. Razor yawned, before pressing himself against your side once more. "Razor, you have to wake up." The soft words you spoke only made him whine. He sat up, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. He turned to you, reaching out to you to give you a hug-he normally does this every morning-, but retracting his arms. He hesitated to do it again, and gave you a big bear hug, which you returned. The reminder of a bath popped into your head once more, and you retracted from the hug. "Razor, do you know any hot springs?" You asked carefully. You as well needed a bath, but definitely were not going in the same hot spring as him while you took one. Razor stared at you, the confusion present on his face. "Why Does Y/N need hot water?" He asked politely, tilting his head, his eyes growing softer as the tuft of his hair bounced from his action. "Because someone needs a bath!" You pointed out, and he huffed, crossing his arms. "Razor does not smell bad!" You giggled at his false retort. He then eyed his arm, before smelling it, and gagging. "Okay, maybe Razor smell a little bad. But Razor no need bath!" He whined like a child, and you rolled your eyes, playfully smiling at him. "Come on Razor, I'm giving you a bath." He whined a long "nooooo!" like a defiant child, you stood your ground, not giving into the big puppy eyes he was putting on, and flicked his forehead.

You eventually got him to agree to come with you to the hot springs, while you picked soapwort, yucca root, yucca, a little bit of mint, and a wolfhook. You carried these things in your arms, silently cursing to yourself, as you forgot your satchel in the den. You managed by just holding them, while a very irritated Razor followed you, giving you directions to the hot spring. It was winter, which meant practically everywhere was cold, and you wanted Razor somewhere where he wouldn't freeze to death. Once you reached the hotspring, Razor took off most of his clothes, leaving his trousers on. You were looking away, until you heard the soft ripples of water. You had thankfully brought dry sticks, and a lighter which Klee gave to you.

You watched as Razor leaned himself against the walls of the hotspring, his face relaxed, even a small smile with a tooth sticking out was present. You lit the sticks, and picked a rock with a small hole in it. Scooping some of the hot water with the rock, and lighting the sticks on fire, you boiled the soaproot. While that was boiling, you cut the leaves of the yucca, and the yucca roots, making them into a good shampoo and body wash.

Razor flinched when he felt hands touch his hair, then calmed down once he realised it was you. He felt bubbles, or slime in his hair, and his relaxment once again, turned into confusion. He reached up to feel the strange substance, and opened his eyes to see faint bubbles on his hair. "What are you...Doing?" he asked subtly. "Washing your hair, i'm experimenting with what someone told me a while ago. I'm making soap." You responded, and he hummed. "Soap?" you nodded at the one worded question. "Soap cleans you, and makes you smell better, this one doesn't because i didn't put anything in it, but hopefully the next one will make you smell like minty wolfhooks!" You said, you noticed him grow quiet, and lean against your hands. "Soft." He muttered, and you smiled gently. "My hands?" You asked, and he nodded as a positive response. You freed the knots from his hair, and now it was silky and soft. You wanted to try out the other shampoo, which was like a three in one. You had boiled the wolfhook and mint into the soapwort, which wasnt as soapy as you wanted, but it definitely made suds, and smelt delightful!

You carefully put the new mixture into his hair, and he hummed once more, content. You started to wash his shoulders and back, and stopped when he carefully grabbed your wrists. He offered to wash his own body so you didn't have to do it for him, and you nodded. You turned away, grabbed a brush that you had in your satchel, why did you have it? You did not know why you also had a towel you did not know as well. You called him back over to you. He rested himself against the wall again, and almost melted when you gently brushed his hair. He loved it, it felt so good to him, he felt so happy and cared for. "Y/N?" He spoke, breaking the soft silence that had embraced you both. "Yes Razor?" Razor shifted his gaze to meet yours, of course having to turn his head to look at you. "Is this, what... what love feels like?" He asked gently, before grabbing your wrist to brush his hair again. "Razor feels...happy, a happy I can't say.." he confessed. "It is a form of love, I'm caring for you." You said, and he perked up. "Y/N, love, me?" The glint of hope in his eyes was strange for him, he did not know why, but he was hoping you'd want to be mates with him. "As a friend, yes."


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