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After the movie ended I felt so fucking tired like holy shit imma bout to pass out but I knew I couldn't since I don't wanna sleep on some bug infested grass by a drive in movie parking lot.

I called an Uber using my beloved Cassandra's credit card to pay and brought senpai along with cuz I know damn well this mf ain't got no where else to stay.

"So y/n where are we going?" The blonde asked while looking around the car "A nearby hotel tonight for now until cassy comes for my head and maybe tries to kill you too in the process"

Senpai looked at me dumbfounded but quickly snaps out of his dazed state when he heard my phone ring, oh! ITS MY BESTIE!!!!

"Hey y/n what you've been up to? I hope your alright and that blonde creep didn't find you lol"

Oh shit, what do I tell her?, that I'm friends with said creep now? He's just a stupid funny guy that I like? Wait no not like wtf no I mean like in a friend way right? Cmon this mf held me hostage...but that's only because of gfs dad

I don't fucking know I'll sadly have to lie for now, hopefully I can explain things to her when I get the chance

"Y/n? Helllooooo are you there?"

" Oh sorry bout that I was just thinking, but nevermind that now Umm yeah no! I haven't seen that weirdo at all today"

" K bestie just remember to call me when ya see him so my mom can come over and kill him!^_−☆"

" heh riiiight gotcha I'll call when I do, see ya!"

"Byeeeee ilyyyy!!!"

After she hung up senpai looked at me so offended as if someone just pissed on his shoe " WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He yelled with lil tears in his eyes " Awww cmon senpai Ya know I didn't mean that plus I could've turned you in if I wanted to"

I Pat his head trying to calm him down " That was so damn rude and I was literally sitting next to you y/n >:( not cool" He turned away pouting.

"Hey listen I'll get you some snacks later if it will make you feel better can share a bed with me for the night" 

Senpai looked back  at me with bright eyes "REALLY?!?! OMG TY TY TY I PROMISE I WONT SQUEEZE YOU YO DEATH!!!"

He hugs tight burying his head into the crook of my neck, god this feels nice...wait "GET TF OFF ME" I try push him away but he continues to hold me

"Can you guys get out of my car now? We're at the hotel."

I stop pushing senpai and look at the driver embarrassed before silently nodding my head and pulling senpai out the car with me, omfg that was hella awkward

" Uh anyways senpai let's go talk to the room keeper and we'll call it a night, sound good?" The blonde simply nodded and me enter the hotel

"Hello welcome to Summer sunny side hotel! How may I help you today?"

" H-hi! um one room please"

" Of course! So one bed correct? Or would you like two?"

" ONE!" Senpai yells from behind me which earned him a light slap to the head from me to stfu

I look back at the pretty lady in front of me kinda embarrassed now

" Yeah one is fine thank you.."

" Here are the keys and enjoy your stay!"

I thank the super hot lady and take the keys from her warm and soft hands, my lord she is a goddess

" Y/n what room did we get?" I'm down back to reality from my thoughts by the dumbass who keeps tugging on my shirt to get my attention

" We got room 409" I say while looking down at the keys , I was abruptly pulled into the nearest elevator and looked up to the giddy blonde that was now quickly pressing a button to get to our floor he then reached out to my hand gripping it firmly but still in a comfortable way

It felt nice,soft,warm, and comforting....just like how gf used to before she met that blue haired loser



Oh shit how long was I staring at our hands
" Come on y/n the sooner we get to our room the sooner I can hold you in my loving arms~" He said in a dramatic funny kind of tone, I playfully punch senpais shoulder laughing at his idioticness

" yeah yeah I get it ,I can't wait to sink into those silk sheets though" After a bit of wondering we found our room and senpai busted in flopping onto the bed

" Mmmmmmm so nice~" senpai says face buried in the soft bed " Move over I need room to sleep too ya know" I push him to the side as I get into the bed

As I got comfy I felt a pair of arms wrap around me pulling me close to familiar warmth, senpai breathes in deeply before sighing " thank you  y/n for letting me hold you for tonight, I haven't held anyone like this since forever"

" Yeah no problem... I haven't been held like this in while either so it's a win win for the both of us heh"

"Good night y/n"

"..Good night...."

yo ass is grass( fnf senpoop x  lonely ass mf)Where stories live. Discover now