Nonetheless, Abby's decision to go alone was not in vain as she enjoyed every moment of her visit and the festivities of Christmas in general. Spending the holidays in Paris was the best decision she had made this year. That is, after saying yes to her fiancé's proposal at a dinner.

A smile formed on Abby's face as she strode towards her G7 VIP Parisian taxi ride that arrived to pick her up.

As much as Abby still wanted to bask in the Eiffel tower's grandeur, she had to leave. Especially after receiving a text with a location from her fiancé and an instruction.

Hubby: "Hotel Maria Du 16e Arrondissement
        Come meet me. 7:15 pm"

"Hotel Maria Du 16e Arrondissement," Abby voiced in her silky British accent, showing her phone screen to the middle-aged dark-skinned driver.

"Oui Madame," the driver replied in an afro-accent before he opened the door for her.

The car rolled into traffic.

During Abby's first visits to Paris, she would practically refuse to use exclusive rides, eat at popular restaurants, sleep at five-star hotels or hoard with other tourists at popular spots

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During Abby's first visits to Paris, she would practically refuse to use exclusive rides, eat at popular restaurants, sleep at five-star hotels or hoard with other tourists at popular spots.
Rather, she preferred taking walks, eating at local food spots, residing at flat buildings, and hanging out at karaoke bars.

"La vie, n'est-elle pas belle?" Abby began, asking if life wasn't just so beautiful.

"Oui Madame," the driver agreed, making a turn to head straight down to arrondissement fifteen.

"It's beautiful how interconnected we Humans are," Abby started in French, switching to English. "We are bound by the same emotions, dreams, and wants. Spending the last eight years in humanitarian services taught me the privilege of happiness, emotional stability, and basic amenities is for everyone. And spending the holidays at famous locations in a different country away from home re-enforces my belief on how important my job is."

"C'est super!" the driver replied, sounding engaged in whatever conversation his enthusiastic passenger had set in motion. "What's more magical than the Eiffel tower, Christmas, and the celebrative acts of love?" he added, his eyes focused on the road.

Abby wound the window down and drew in a cold breath of fulfilment.

"Avec ton accent Africain, es-tu né ici?" Abby inquired, asking if the driver was born here in Paris, considering his accent.

"Sept ans pour demander la citoyenneté," he replied, revealing that he had been applying for a citizenship for seven years.

"France is a beautiful country. Great culture!" Abby complimented.

"Except when the government isn't busy passing unfair bills," the driver opposed as he slowly halted the car at the entrance of the hotel.

"That's if we let them," Abby retorted as she placed her hands on the door opener.

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