Asano walked towards the elevator while you emulates his steps.

The corridors of the hotel painted in white and gold, emitting a warm and bright aura. The doors painted in a colour of golden brown.

As soon as the two of you stopped infront of the elevator, Asano turned towards you. "Let's go somewhere fancy for lunch tomorrow. "

You nodded in response, traveling is never a thing for you as it tires you so much. Funny how sitting for hours got you tired. Very funny.

After reaching a certain floor, the two of you went back to strolling through the corridor; stopping infront of a door.

"Finally" you muttered.

When you got in, you hurriedly went over to the bed, flopping yourself onto the soft mattress. "Hmm... I can sleep all day tomorrow"

"You could but you can't" Asano argued. He had tons of plans for tomorrow, he can't just have you sleeping the whole day.

"Awe! " you whined.

"Hurry up, you need to bathe first" And with that, Asano literally dragged you into the bathroom and bathed you as well. ;)

He did things such as drying your hair and changing your clothes. While you're trying not to faint out of exhaustion.

You finally laid back on the bed, drifting off into a deep slumber.

Asano sighed tiredly, his shoulder sore from carrying the bag that contains both of your belongings. He wanted to just to go sleep as well but he knew if he won't do anything to make you bathe, you wouldn't move a muscle off of the bed.

"Be thankful that I love you" He groaned, glaring at your sleeping form.


The following days the two of you travelled, visited different sites, tried different restaurants and went to the beach. It's fun, really fun.

And soon before you knew it, it was time to go home.

As soon as the two of you got home, you two didn't mind unpacking the stuffs in the bag and just did your night routine and fell asleep.

The next day...

..."Shuu..." you whispered, feeling emptiness on the spot beside you. You opened an eye to check on your husband but he's not there anymore.

You got up and strolled down the hallway to his office. He's definitely in there. You slid the door opened to find the strawberry-head male with more than ten used cups of coffees, dark circles under his eyes.

"Gakushuu. " You called out, catching his attention. "What time did you woke up? "

"Seven, I think..." he replied.

"But we got home two in the morning" you wailed, he barely got a decent sleep and he's already out here, working his ass off.

"I've prepared a breakfast, check it out in the kitchen" He smiled, ushering you to go out of the room which you obliged.

Ten minutes later...

You came back to his office. You have nothing better to do, might as well accompany your husband in the dark room.

When you got in he's fast asleep so you intended not to make any noises.
Thinking of a way to take him to the couch without waking him up but there's no way you can carry him, right?

You sighed defeatedly, placing your arm into of his shoulder, leaning forward against his warm back. You can feel how tense and stiff his shoulders are.

"Shuu~" you tried calling out but you got no response. You smiled slowly enjoying the peaceful moment.

You slowly separated from him before walking out of the room.

"Get the rest that you deserve, I'll be waiting downstairs, take your time"

After sleeping for eight hours Asano finally woke up, he ran downstairs to find you preparing dinner. He snuck up on you, wrapping his arms around you waist.

"How's your sleep?"

"Would've been better if you're on my lap"

"Oh, shut it, Asano-kun"

"Hai, Asano-san"

⌘ - ------------ - ⌘

(A/n): just what kind of ending is that?

I thought this'll be just like 500-something words. Lol but it actually 1200+ words.

Anyways, thank you for reading this book until the end! Thanks for being patient even though I took a hiatus just because I wanted to focus more onto my upcoming books. Love lots!

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