Me: Angel.

My bae: Hmm?

Me: Where are you?

My bae: I just got ready and left my house
to come over to your place.

Me: Okay, I am waiting, see you soon love.

My bae: See ya babe.

Well, Beam's place is like fifteen minutes away from mine and if there is traffic then it can take half an hour too. It means I have fifteen minutes to get ready which is more than enough time for me. I can't wait to meet my angel today and ask him to be mine. I can't believe I will ever do this in my life, but look at me. Life sure is unpredictable, it can give you surprises at the most unexpected moments.

I was ready.

No, I wasn't wearing anything fancy to propose to him. I was just in my casual clothes so that he would get suspicious. Beam has a very sharp mind and I don't want to ruin the surprise by wearing a suit and spraying tonnes of perfume on me. I have to keep calm and act cool, like I always do.

Ting tong



Damn, I never thought I would get this nervous in my life. I haven't even become this nervous when there were at least ten guns pointed at me. But this is making me feel like a young teenage boy who is about to confess to his longtime crush.

"You can do it Forth!! You can do it." I motivated myself and opened the gate with a sweet smile on my face. I invited him and hugged him super tight. After releasing him from the hug I look at him with eyes filled with affection and care.Only Beam has the power to do these kinds of things to me.

"Hey angel, you look gorgeous like always. Actually you look super gorgeous today and you are glowing too. You are also smelling amazing, what perfume are you..."



"Are you okay? Why are you so nervous?"

Shit!! Way to go Forth. Acting cool and not suspicious my ass. Now he will know for sure that something is going on and will ask me about it. What if I end up telling him everything before I can even take him to my bedroom where I have prepared everything to surprise him?!!!



"Are you really okay? You are scaring me now. I have been trying to get your attention and calling your name but you are not responding to me. Is something going on? Is something bothering you? You know you can tell me, baby." He said in a worried tone. He easily gets worried whenever I am tense about something. It wasn't my plan to make him worry but I want to make him happy today.

"It's nothing angel, I was just nervous because you were coming to my place today."" He gave me a confused look, maybe he was wondering what's the big deal about him coming over to my place.

"I know babe that you have been here many times but for some reason I am a bit nervous to be with you today." By this time Beam was super close to me and my heart started beating real fast. So fast that I am sure he could hear my heart beating.

"Let's sit babe, you look pale. You are not sick, are you?" Beam asked worriedly while checking my temperature by putting his palm on my forehead and neck, which was not helping me in the situation at all.

Innocent DevilWhere stories live. Discover now