Chapter 15-I'll be over in five okay? Love you

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Calum P.O.V

Alexx still hadn't answered me. I couldn't concentrate anymore I just missed her. By tuesday I had enough I had done everything. Texted her, called her, called and texted her friends, tweeted about her, the only thing I hadn't done was seeing her in person. I realised that was what I needed to do.

"Cal why don't you leave her alone for a bit?" Ashton said after I told him, Michael and Luke my plan "L says she is finally a little more happy, maybe she'll come around in the end of this week?" That just wasn't good enough.

"I think we should see her." Luke said and I smiled grateful to him.

"You're only saying that so you can ask Jas to be your girlfriend." Michael said. Luke blushed.

"I am not." He said like he was offended.

"Hey I don't care what reasons you have to come but please just come," I begged them "Ash you can see Laura." I said hoping he would say yes. He sighed.

"Okay then, let us fly to London." He said. Lukes face lighted up in a smile. We got it all planned and we could be there wednesday morning. When we landed I tried to sleep before going over to her, I couldn't I kept thinking about what to say. I had told her parents what happend between me and the blond girl and they had decided to tell where the extra key was so I could get in. I had convinced the others not to tell L and Jas we were coming so they wouldn't say anything. I took a cab over to her house and got in. I decided to go up to her room to wait for her. I was nervous to see how she was going to react. I could hear the frontdoor getting opened and closed. It was now. I could hear her footsteps coming closer. The door opened carefully. When she saw me she stopped, she just looked me I couldn't read her emotions. Her face had yellow and blue bruises, and she had a cut above her eyebrow. She still looked beautiful to me.

Alexx P.O.V

I didn't know what to do with myself. His eyes looked at me, I remembered he hadn't seen me like this. I didn't say anything, he came to his senses and looked me in the eyes.

"Alexx I'm so sor-" I cut him off. Rage filled me like the time after Derek almost raped me.

"I don't care how sorry you are! Calum you promsied me to never hurt me! You broke me!" My voice shaking not because I was sad but because I was mad "How the hell could you do it Calum?" I said shaking my head.

"Please just listen to me," he came closer to me and tried to take my hand, I pulled it away from him "Don't do this to me." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Do this to you? It wasn't me who went out kissing some slut!" I raised my voice.

"It wasn't like that," He said again trying to take my hand I walked passed him into the room "Please let me explain."

"What is there to explain? You were drunk? It didn't mean anything? Yeah you texted that to me." He dried the tears from his face away.

"Alexx I thought you were going to die!" He half yelled half said. He was angry too now.

"And that makes it okay? Because why the hell not go out kissing some other girl when you're girlfriend is dying?"

"I was lost! I didn't know what to do!" He sounded as frustrated as I felt.

"Okay then let me give you an advice, next time your girlfriend is dying don't go kissing another girl!"

"What would you have done if you were me? huh?" Both of us was yelling now.

"Not what you did!"

"If you're so smart, what the hell would you have done if you thought I was dying and you couldn't see me?"

"I would have gotton a plain ticket to make sure I could see you or talked to my friends so they could distract me while I waited to see what happend!"

"Fine! I made a mistake! Are you happy yet?"

"No! Calum you broke my trust to you! How am I ever going to trust you again?"

"I don't know! You just have to!" He was so frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I can't! Calum I just can't!" I said getting tears in my eyes.

"So what? You're just going to give up?" He asked me. We weren't yelling anymore which was somehow worse than when we did yell "You can't tell me you just stopped to love me."

"I'm not Calum! I just-" He cut me off with a kiss. He had his hands on my cheeks. It felt so good kissing him I had missed it so much. But no I couldn't. I pulled away, pushing him gently in the chest "No I can't Calum I'm sorry." I whispered.

"You can't tell me you didn't feel anything."

"I'm sorry." Was the only I could say right now.

"So this is what you want?" He asked me. I didn't answer "Fine! We're done!" He said his voice so cold it cut ice. He walked out slamming the frontdoor on his way. I couldn't take it anymore I broke down. I went to my bed and just cried into my pillow. My parents tried to comfort me but they couldn't. I cried for hours not knowing what to do. I decided to call Jas. It wasn't because I didn't want to talk to L but Jas just knew me a bit more and she was there when everything happend with Derek.

"Hiya bitch," She said to me sounding cheerful, which made me break down even more "A are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Calum was here a-a-and we yelled at each o-o-other-"

"I'll be over in five okay? Love you." She always said 'love you' like that, when she knew something was completely wrong. Now all I could was wait for her to come over. While I waited I thought about if I should just forgive Calum, he was drunk and thought I was dying. Though he knew it would hurt me when he did it, he promised me not to hurt me. I kept hearing his cold voice saying we were over. I looked at the time it was 15 minuts since I called Jas, there had to be a lot of trafic. Another 15 minuts went by and she wasn't here yet. I tried to call her but she didn't answer. My mum came into my room as I hung up, she had tears in her eyes. I started to cry again knowing something was completely wrong. She sat on my bed and took my hand.

"Alexx is Jas she-" I started to cry even more.

"No mum please." I begged her not to say the next words, maybe then it wouldn't be true.

"Alexx, Jas is dead." I cried like I never cried before. Everything in me froze to ice, this just couldn't be true. My best friend of all time couldn't be-be- dead. It had to be a bad joke. But I knew it wasn't, my mum looked so sad too. It was true.
Jas was dead.

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