Chapter 12

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"yes it's possible y/n! Love can appear anywhere, anytime, anyone! Which just happened to you! You just realized that you have feelings for jungkook!!" jimin said "but jimin won't this break our friendship? What if he doesn't feel the same way as I do? What if he reject me? What if he lo-" jimin cut off your sentence "why don't you confess! If you have so many questions?" jimin asked "uh? What do you mean jimin??" you asked "look y/n you start having feelings for jungkook! Jungkook isn't someone you just got to know! You know him since childhood! You know what he wants, like dislike after his mom you know every single things about him! Then why are you even thinking negative without confirming his words?? "jimin asked.

" so what are you telling me jimin?? Come to the point! "you asked" why don't you just tell what you feel about jungkook?? "jimin said. You look at jimin" dont be scared! Just tell your feelings! Take everything for positive! "jimin said with smile" I.. Hmm okay! "you said" oh I forgot mentioned jungkook wants you to meet him at the *** place after school! "jimin said" what? Didn't you say he is sick? "you asked" yeah but he wants to meet you! So why don't you use this moment to tell what you feel about him?? "jimin said." jimin I am scared I feel like he would hate me! "you said" shut up your negative mind! Think positively!! Cupcake! "jimin said as he pat your head" I believe your words! "you said with a smile." that's my girl! Anyway I have music lesson! I will take my leave now! Think about what I told you! Don't miss the chance! Everything is in your hand! "jimin said before running to his class.

" so all this time I am having feelings for my kookie and now then I realise my feelings for him! But will he love me? At least like me?? Oh God why are you doing this to me! "you said to you as stomped your feet in frustration before heading to your class. Meanwhile jimin smiled and called jungkook," hello jungkook! My plan is working! She agreed to meet you at *** place after school so get your ass there! And confess I don't care when you want! You better use this chance!" jimin said "Wha-t? You mean I need to confess! Today? Oh no I can't jimin I will die!" jungkook said in shock as every thing was very fast for him.

"dont give me no you better do it" jimin said ".. Jimin I am scared" jungkook said "come on its your love your life! This is your chance!" jimin said "okay!" jungkook said with a smile thinking about his future with you causing him to smile widely. [ skipped time]  "you should go now jungkook must be waiting for you!" jimin said "I am feeling nervous jimin!" you said "shh don't be nervous go" jimin said "hmm okay!" you said with a smile before going the location where kookie was waiting. Meanwhile jungkook was waiting for you at the location he was feeling so nervous and he didn't know how to speak as alll the words were gone from his mind!. "jungkook rest! You can do it!" jungkook said to himself while walking front and back, suddenly an lady came to him "hmm sorry for disturbing you sir can I know where is *** place I don't know how to go?" she said

"oh okay sure I can help you out, you just need walk straight then turn to your left and you will see the place" jungkook said as he pointed at the way "oh thank you sir!" she said with smile and she wasn't an Korean girl so she hugged jungkook as a thank you making jungkook shock and the wrong time you came, your blood was boiling, "JEON JUNGKOOK!" you yelled.

To be continued

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