Wait What?!

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*Authors note* sorry I haven't been posting lately been really busy with softball and school. I just graduated. Ok let's get to it
3 months later
Sav: Mer is there anywhere for me to sleep other then the attic.
Mer: No Savvanah all other rooms are taken
Sav: You sure
Mer: Yea it's my house
Sav: You know I lived here my some life to and you have my room away.
Mer: Ok let's change the subject.
Sav : Ok what do you wanna talk about
Mer: What surgery are you going to go into
Sav : I think cardio. I wanna like hearts.
Mer. That's great you also need a boyfriend
Sav: I'm good
Mer: No sav Im not kidding if you wanna have kids you gotta get bf
Sav: ok I'll look
Mer: good for you

Later that day
Sav: (thoughts) Meredith want me to find a guy and I like Derek and I think he likes me but I don't know what to say.
Cr: Hi Savvanah
Sav: Oh hi Christina how are u
Cr: Good I just got done with a minor E.R accident
Sav: Yeah I know about that
Cr: So are you ready to go to LA for boards
Sav: Always what are you going into.
Cr: I wanna go into Trauma it's for me
Sav: I know I'm Cardio
Cr: Ooo nice I got to go and you know who is here
Sav: Don't leave me with him alone
Cr: He likes u
Sav: And I like him
Cr: I know but I gotta go
D: Hi Savannah
S: Hi Derek
D: Will U go to a date with me
S: Yes what time and where
D: Sattle and I'll pick u up from Meridiths
S: Ok see you later
D: Ok bye
S: Bye
Derek and Mark
M: I saw you finally asked her out
D: I did
M: But what about Addison
D: We got a divorce I you know that
M: I'm asking if she know about Savvanah
D: Well of course she does just doesn't know I asked her out
M: Well you need to tell her
D: No cause then she will just make up something to tell Sav and she will get mad
M: Ok I gotta get to surgery
D. Ok man bye
M: bye
            Derek is on his way to get Sav
To be continued...

Why Derek Shepard Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora