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Second task.

Hide and seek. Everyone knows that game, right? It's the game children play amongst themselves when they're young, running around and hiding in the most obvious places from their parents.

Florin told them all about their second task that next Monday morning, about how there was a temporary wooden maze set up in the Horntail enclosure, and how there would be cattle and sheep everywhere too, but how each pair would have to use the terrain as well as the maze to essentially play a game of hide and seek.

Except they're not children hiding in the most obvious places, and their seekers aren't their parents waiting to pull back the curtain and cry "boo!" Instead, they have to keep to their pairs, staying as silent as possible, hiding in the best hiding spots as they make their way through the maze, trying not to be found by the two Horntails flying overhead and plucking up cattle and sheep to eat as they go along.

Their aim is to get from one side of the enclosure to the other, by going through the maze in their pairs, starting at different entrances as per usual, yet this time exiting on the other side, not having to go back across. The team who gets through to the other side first wins, and obviously in order to get to the other side, you can't be seen by the Horntails. Because this time, they're not allowed their wands. They just have to hide.

So, it's sort of hide and seek, except more like a game of life or death.

Isabelle and Darius win that second task, the two of them being much faster at getting through the maze and having a much easier time at hiding along the way, as the two of them are much smaller in stature than both Charlie and Christopher. Those two boys took a painstakingly long time to get through the maze, having to come to a complete stop every time a Horntail flew overhead.

Both pairs made it to the other side however, safe and sound, and once again, Isabelle and Charlie shared a hug at the end of it. She still doesn't know what's going on between them, of course, but she reckons that these past couple of months along with these past couple of gruelling tasks have made them become friends again. Well, friends in his eyes at least. She still likes him a lot, but doesn't know how to tell him. Doesn't even know if she should tell him; it's clear he doesn't like her anymore. He was the one that ended it between them, after all.

Third task.


Well, cleaning with a twist. Hungarian Horntails are extraordinarily protective over their young, you see, so any female Horntail will naturally have a serious objection to anyone cleaning up the excess shells after her eggs have hatched.

So, of course Florin decided that for their third task — what could possibly be better than spending two days cleaning up dragon eggshells from the enclosure? Technically, the eggshells don't even need to be cleaned up, but Florin said they had to do it anyway, as it would give them all a real, first-hand experience of just how protective this species of dragon is over their offspring.

As it turns out, very.

Isabelle and Darius are closer than they ever have been over the past two weeks to getting seriously hurt while trying to complete this task over those two days. In fact, as a symbol of how protective the Horntails are, after only the first day, Charlie emerges from the enclosure cradling his arm.

Isabelle rushed over to him immediately, and was greeted by the sight of a fresh, deep slice down the length of Charlie's arm. She winced and helped him clean it up, of course, and all four of them were even wearier to go back in the next day to finish the job off.

They managed to do it, of course, and exited the second day feeling incredibly shaken. Elena and Isabelle talked all about it, and how crazily scary the Horntails are. Needless to say, Elena's not looking forward to next month when she'll be tasked with the deadliest dragon.

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