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Isabelle wakes up to the fluffy tail of Célia brushing over her face.

The French girl scrunches up her nose and rolls over, groaning as she forces herself to sit up, rubbing her tired eyes with the backs of her hands and letting out a yawn. Judging by the pile of chocolates and sweets at the base of her bedside table, it's Easter morning.

She smiles to herself, ignoring the candy for the time being and heading into her bathroom for a shower to wake herself up properly.

It's now officially the Easter holidays, and has been for a couple of days, Isabelle having had Charlie as her sole companion with Maisie, Ollie and Noah gone off home. She hasn't minded just hanging out with Charlie at all, however, rather relishing his company.

He's definitely her best friend in this place — the person she'd choose to hang out with above all others.

She steps out of the shower, drying herself off and pulling on an ivory sweater and a pale flesh-toned pink skirt. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiles slightly, deciding to do her hair properly for the first time in weeks. It is Easter, after all.

After having put her hair up into a loosely braided crown upon her head, she adds a small pink flower or two, just for fun. Deciding boots are too much of an uncomfort for today, she slips on some light tan converse before grabbing her wand and heading out the door, promising herself she'll delve into the chocolates and sweets later.

Célia runs out between her legs and off to Merlin-knows-where in the castle, disappearing into the maze of corridors. Isabelle smiles after her, shutting the door to her chambers behind her and heading her own way, down towards the Great Hall.

Charlie's easy to spot, his red hair standing out amongst the blondes, browns and blacks of everyone else. She makes her way over to him, plonking herself down beside him with a smile.

"Happy Easter," she greets him, piling pancakes onto her plate for the special occasion.

"You look really nice today," Charlie blurts out before he can stop himself.

He freezes up as he realises what he just said, but relaxes only slightly when Isabelle's face breaks into a grin.

"Woz zat a compliment?" she asks, staring at him, wide-eyed.

Charlie shrugs, turning away from her.

"What of it?" he huffs, his gruff demeanour returning.

Isabelle just continues to grin.

"I zink zat eez zee first time you 'ave ever given me a compliment," she smiles broadly at him.

He shrugs again, not meeting her eyes.

"And?" he grounds out.

"And, zank you," Isabelle says softly, leaning up to plant a soft kiss on his rough cheek.

If Charlie wasn't frozen before, he certainly turns rigid now, his eyes widening in shock, turning to stare at the French girl, his mouth hanging open.

She just chuckles at his reaction, going back to eat her breakfast like nothing just happened. When Charlie continues to stare, she turns back to face him, raising her eyebrows.

"What?" she asks.

Charlie clears his throat, shaking his head quickly as if to snap himself out of it.

"Nothing," he says.

Isabelle smirks as he clears his throat again, turning away from her to grab something on his other side.

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