and thus begins our doom

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The funeral after Paige's death marked the day France changed. It wasn't the morning after she'd dropped Paige off at the school and saw her for the last time when her mother closed the door to her bedroom behind her and told her that her best friend was dead. Nor was it the day back to school, when everyone seemed to either avoid France or smother her in apologies and hugs over her heavy loss. No. It was the day they lowered Paige's coffin into the ground, and France looked away unwilling to watch as the girl she'd known since kindergarten was placed six feet under. It was when she turned away, and her gaze found Derek Hale's

His red puffy eyes, the tear tracks down his face, the utter grief screaming in his expression. France felt something tugging at the pit of her stomach that day the moment she'd looked at her best friend's boyfriend, something that would lead her down a rabbit hole of secrets and paranoia and the supernatural. Because it wasn't just grief. France looked into Derek Hale's eyes, the boy Paige was supposed to be meeting the night she died (and the boy she'd driven Paige to that night), and she saw guilt.

France knew then that a brutal animal attack had nothing to do with Paige's death, but that Derek had everything to do with it. That day solidified her resolve. All of her grief focused—tunneled—onto something way more important than mourning over lies. Her grief sharpened to a knife as fine-pointed as her rage. France would use it to uncover the truth over what happened to Paige herself, and she would start with the Hale family.


olivia rodrigo as FRANCE FLORES

madison mclaughlin as PAIGE KRASIKEVA

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madison mclaughlin as PAIGE KRASIKEVA

ian nelson as YOUNG!DEREK HALE

published: january 3, 2022

completed: tbd

author's note.

impulsively releasing this because it's been inside my brain for quite some time. i'll upload graphics and most castings for furth characters later on! 

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