ch 45

461 10 6

Ik its too late to say this cuz this the 45th chapter but in the beginning of the story I didn't know what I was doing and I was like 13 or 14. So a lot of stuff didn't even make sense so mb on that part and im still getting better and till this dayyy the shi prob still fucked up but mb so yea. Yall stay easy.

Aaleaha pov

"Aayan go put your shirt on, Ayla stop hitting Amare before I hit yo black ass"I said putting Aayan Shoes on

"Okay mommy"Aayan said running out the room

"Can I kiss baby brother"Ayla said pulling my shirt up

Yes me and Melo are having another fucking boy. Lordddd.

"Gurl put my shirt down I aint say yes yet"I said grabbing Amare shoes

"Ok my bad mommy"she said playing with her Barbie

"Amare come here"I said sitting him on the seat in my room

"Mommy after the park can me and Aayan play basketball with dada"Amare said looking in my eyes

"Sure baby when he comes home ask him"I said putting his shoes on

"Mommy look at me looking fly"Aayan said walking in and spinning

"My handsome little man"I said kissing his cheek

"Thank you mommy"he said smiling

"Tie your shoes"Ayla said

"Mind yours"Aayan said pushing her head

"Aye aye now sit yall asses down"I said to them they both walked to my bed and sat

"Yall just can't do right always hitting yall are siblings"I said to them

"She needs to stay in her place mommy"Aayan said

"No im your sister you business is mine"Ayla said crossing her arms

"Ayla you're wrong as hell so stop and Aayan approach differently when you do and say things it takes it to a different level "I said

"A peach"Aayan said looking confused

"A-pro-ach"I said breaking it up for Aayan

"A roach" he said smiling

"Now boy you know"I said laughing

"Mommy"Ayla said

"Yes baby"I said fixing Aayans polo shirt

"Where is daddy"she said crossing her arms

"I don't even know"

Ding ding ding

"Yall stay here babies"I said kissing them on their head

I go down the stairs and hit the Corner towards the front door.

Ding ding

"Im coming, damn"


"Laylani"I said in shock

𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 |𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora