(1) momentary regret

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tsukishima felt momentary regret as soon as his sigh escaped from his chapped lips, placing his phone down on the kitchen counter. Only a few seconds earlier, he had to partake in yet another random husband/wife challenge thing that nishinoya and tanaka forced on everyone to join in.

although it appeared simple on paper, it would be a torment to orchestrate as well as carry out. the challenge was making your husband(s)/wife(s) jealous. whoever got the best reaction would be the winner. you were allowed to pull it off in any way you liked or wanted for example doing the wrong person prank after sending something scandalous or just simply calling a random stranger hot.

while he wanted not to waste all his energy on something that wouldn't even matter, he was curious how his 3 boyfriends would react if he did. continuing on the topic of his 3 husbands they were all currently out of the house. bokuto at volleyball practice, kuroo diligent  in another meeting as well as akaashi out talking to one of his clients at a coffee shop leaving tsukishima all by himself. 

after a few more minutes of standing in the kitchen deciding whether or not to genuinely engage in the imbecilic challenge, he figured he didn't want to deal with a mess of messages calling him a coward for not participating would simply be a hassle.

glancing at his phone that vibrates harder than most of his toys with all the notifications he was getting from one of the group chats he was in, he raised an eyebrow before finally coming to the conclusion of what he was going to do. pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his pale nose, he picked up his phone and left the kitchen. 


what he was going to do was simple. give all his attention to his phone and not his husbands. 

extremely simple. 

in the middle of the large living room on his stomach, he laid there listening to music, surrounded and supported by pillows with a small dinosaur plushie hooked around his arm and his face smushed against it. his eyelashes fluttered as he blinked away the sleepiness that was close to consuming him whole. he knew it wouldn't be long before the third-oldest in the relationship would come home from his meeting. groaning in annoyance, he rolled over onto his back and faced the ceiling while his headphones continued to play whatever was next on his playlist. as if on cue he heard the sound of jingles of keys and the front door being unlocked. 

swiftly, he rolled back onto his stomach; putting his phone back in front of him, he quickly pretended to be doing something on it. looking at his phone, he tapped on 'like a dino' on his home screen which was one of his favourite games, hoping that akaashi wouldn't make things hard for him seeing as akaashi was the type to make tsukishima's walls break in seconds. 

while tsukishima began to play, akaashi had opened the door and was taking his shoes off.


"hey, firefly."

and just like that, tsukishima's heart melted.


the way akaashi's voice filled the room made him feel giddy in a way, trying his best to not make any eye contact with the raven-haired boy. ignoring his husband's hello he continued to avoid his gaze however in his head he was mildly panicking. 

after akaashi took off his shoes, he made his way over to the sunshine blonde, squatting down he pressed his lips against tsukishima's pale forehead. 

his mild panic went on to full-on panic. 

frantically fighting the urge to lean into akaashi for his gentle touches. 

"how's your day been?" he murmured, his cotton felt fingers running through tsukishima's golden hair. 

if kei could describe how he was feeling right then he would describe it as 'fehufgeygfyiowygifgyiufipgewupifuiw'. 

but all he could do was ignore the boy in front of him. 

akaashi was always like this though. always giving his boyfriend's attention and tending to their wants and needs which is something tsukishima absolutely adored about him. 

once again momentary regret ate him up like it was nothing.



tsukishima stared at his phone.

"baby is there something wrong? are you tired?"

he didn't answer. he didn't look. 

"do you want tetsu or bo?"


"kei, can you please look at me?"


god, this was a fucking mistake kei thought.


three boys jealous over a phone (bokuakakurotsuki)Where stories live. Discover now