After some time, as the boat approached the middle of the lake, Gatsby took control of the oars. 

The ride had mostly passed by in contented silence. The park was so beautiful, it was nice to just silently take it all in. The swans, flowers, and the manicured pathways of the park set the perfect scene for an afternoon stroll. 

As the boat turned to begin the journey back to the pier, Gatsby began to lament on the silent film.

"Being forced to marry to uphold your reputation is truly a nasty business. Mary Tudor Should have been with Brandon from the start."

Gatsby's eyes glittered as he continued. "Besides, she loved him. Brandon was her true love. You should be with the one you love, correct? Not stuck in a loveless marriage for reputation's sake?" 

"Are we still talking about the film?"

Gatsby grimaced, "I suppose not." He leaned over the side of the boat, observing the lily pads. 

"Okay," I said. "Do not feel as if you have to answer this... but, why Her?"

His arms froze. "It's hard to put to words," Gatsby said. "She was just a girl at the time, and I was only a boy."

He let out a small chuckle, "Well, at the time, I thought I was a man. That is, until I met her." 

"You should have been there Alice, you would have seen how intoxicating she was, to me and everyone around her. She was so lovely. Everyone wanted to take her hand, to hold her gaze... and she chose me."

He smiled. Gatsby's expression could only be described as serene. He was still there, with me, but his mind was elsewhere. 

"I wanted to grow and become a man worthy of her," Gatsby continued. His smile faltered for a moment, "I was too late. I took too long" 

There was a moments pause; a hesitation. Had I not been listening intently I would have missed it, but it was there.

"But that will soon change," Gatsby said, his smile broadening again. "If she can see how I have grown, what I have built..."

He was so hopeful and motivated... It made me wish that Daisy was a woman worthy of it. 

Gatsby stood up, causing the boat to rock. "... We can continue where we left off." There was a splashing sound as the boat continued rocking.

As Gatsby looked down at me, I forced a smile. It must have seemed convincing enough to Gatsby because he beamed back down at me. "We will be together. Like Mary and Charles Brandon."

Gatsby lowered himself back onto the boat seat. "I am sorry Alice, I got a little carried away there... It is nice have you around, to talk to." He flashed a smile at me.

"It's nice to be around," I answered, turning my head to try to hide my blush.

Gatsby laughed, "You and your odd sayings. You slay me Alice!" 

"We should probably head back," He said. "I arranged a dinner at this jazz joint. I think you will love it!"

I looked around the boat. "Gatsby..."

Gatsby smiled, "Please, call me Jay."

"Okay... Jay... Where are the oars?"

His eyes widened. Frantically, Jay looked around the boat, then to his hands, and then to the water.  

He turned back to me. A tight chuckle escaped him as he formed a response. "No need to worry Alice, but it seems I dropped the oars." 

I looked towards the pier. It was still fairly far away. But not too far.

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