Loubbie Part 2

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Lou grabbed her face and kissed it hard. At first Debbie was surprised but then she melted into the kiss. Next thing they knew it was morning and they were both naked and tangled up on the couch.

Debbie slowly wakes up and she notices that she is laying next to Lou, naked. She had been wanting this for a while but she thought it would never happen. Lou always said that she doesn't sleep with friends. She slowly and carefully got up not wanting to wake Lou in case she regrets last night. She went to her room and changed into some clothing then she headed to the kitchen and make some eggs and toast. Lou still hadn't woken up so she ate fast and left food on the counter for Lou. She didn't want to face her.

Debbie got in her car and drove to Tammy's house to seek advice.

Lou's POV

I slowly started to wake up and remembered clearly what happened last night. I was naked and Debbie was nowhere to be found. I think she regrets last night.

"Fuck" I whisper-yell as my palm hits my face. I get up and see there is a plate left for me on the counter. Before I eat I decided to go get changed so I put on a vest and a pair of jeans and went downstairs to go eat my food. I ate it quickly and just went to sit on the couch and when I am left alone with my thoughts I overthink.

Did she hate it? Does she regret it? What will happen to our friendship now?? I won't be able to deal with it if she leaves me!

Debbie's POV

I drove so fast to Tammy's house. I honked three times to signal I was here and she came out screaming why I was here.

"I-I messed up Tams"

'What did you do this time"

"Uhh so umm I like-" I said as I started to pick at my nails

"Lou, yeah its obvious" She lets out a chuckle

"Um okay, so um we had sex last night and I got scared and left in case she regrets it, and I-I"

"Debbie, honey, I see how Lou looks at you I don't think she would regret it"

"A-are you sure? I kinda panicked and just ran away"

"Classic Ocean just running away when things get stressful"


"Sorry" She says in a mocking tone

"So what do I do?"

"Her" She starts laughing

I hit her "Tam-Tams this is not funny I seriously need your help!"

"Talk to her! If she regrets it you can forget it and keep her if she doesn't then you two get together. We all know you guys make the perfect couple."

"Ugh fine. Bye Tam"

"Bye Debs"

I get in my car and take the long way home because I am so nervous.

Lou's POV

I sat there paralyzed on the couch and I could not stop crying. I can't believe I messed up me and Debbie's relationship. It seemed like she liked it last night but she left in such a rush today It seems like she didn't. I can't handle this.

I heard a car pull up and I got scared. If it was Debbie what would she do. Pack her things and leave? Yell at me? I don't know! She slowly walked in and saw I was crying and rushed towards me.

"Honey what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Why do you care? You left in such a hurry like you don't care about me or you regret last night"

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