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After the heist Lou could not handle being around Debbie. Her feelings were too strong and she didn't know what they were. What she didn't know is that Debbie felt the same way. They both loved each other but didn't know what those feelings were so they pushed them down. Lou was on her way back home from California. She had many missed calls and messages from Debbie that she just could not handle opening.

She arrived at the loft that her and Debbie shared. Well really it is Lou's but she lets Debbie stick around. She puts the foot down on her bike and takes off her helmet. She looked for the key to the loft and eventually found it. Then she unlocked the door and walked in. It was quiet when she walked in so she set her helmet down and walked over to the couch to be able to rest. When she got closer to the couch she noticed that Debbie was asleep. Her eyes were red and puffy and she saw her unlocked phone on her contact.

She was messaging me. I am why she is in this state.

She got closer and picked her up to lay her on top of herself. Obviously that woke up Debbie.

'What the fuck Lou! You scared the living shit out of me!'

'Sorry baby I just didn't want to wake you up. Want to tell me what happened?' Lou asked carefully as to not anger Debbie

'What do you mean?' Debbie asked knowing what she meant

'Baby why are your eyes so red and puffy?'

'You left with no warning and didn't answer any of our messages. We could only assume the worst.' She said as she started tearing up again. 'I can't lose you Lou. I can not lose you!'

Lou felt bad and just hugged Debbie really tightly. She broke down on her shoulder as Lou traced circles on her back and cooing her to calm her down. She rarely saw Debbie cry and the same goes for her. They rarely broke down in front of each other let alone other people.

'I- I am so sorry Debs I did not know it would affect you this way. I just had to clear my mind and that included not going on my phone.'

'Please at least let me know next time you do that.'

'Or better yet I won't do it, or if I do I'll take you with me. I can teach you to ride a bike'

'Yes please' She said as she snuggled closer to Lou's chest.

'Baby do you want to watch a movie?' Lou asked

'We could watch this movie called carol?'

'Okay sure!'

'Okay but first we have to clean this mess and get snacks'

'Yeah about that.... I ate all the snacks'

'Well we can run to the supermarket'

'Okay you clean while i try to fix this' Debbie said as she pointed to herself.

'But baby you can't fix perfection'

'I love you Louise Miller'

If only she meant it

'Oh so we are playing that game Deborah?' She said while smirking

Debbie went up to her room and changed from sweatpants and a hoodie to baggy pants and a button up. Then she went to her bathroom and washed her face and applied light makeup. While Debbie was getting ready Lou cleaned downstairs. When she was done she sat down on the counter and read through the messages and voicemails Debbie left her. She started to tear up but then she heard Debbie walking down the stairs.

'You ready?'

'Yesss' Debbie said with a big smile 'Wait how are we gonna go to the supermarket if we don't have a car?' She questioned

'Well I always have a second helmet'


Lou got the second helmet and walked over to Debbie and gave it to her. 

'Now I'll drive but you have to sit behind me and hold on really tight, okay?'

'Yes of course'

They walked outside to wear the bike was parked. Lou got on and waited for Debbie to get on. Then Debbie got on and pressed up against her back. They both felt aroused but would never say it out loud.

'Ready Ocean?'

'As I'll ever be'

They started and quickly started going fast. Debbie held on tighter and tighter. They got to the supermarket and sped to the snacks aisle.

'So what snacks do you enjoy Miss Deborah Ocean?'

'Well I enjoy Cheez It's. How about you Miss Louise Miller?'

'Well I like Cheetos and those Lifesaver gummies.'

'Then we shall get those'

Debbie got what Lou likes but didn't notice that Lou got her a bunch of Cheez Its.  She didn't notice until they were about to watch the movie because she went to get drinks as Lou paid for the snacks. They sat down on the couch and Lou got the bags and brought them to the couch. Debbie had pulled up the movie.

'Okay it is set up do you have the snacks?'

'Yep' She said as she passed the bags to Debbie

Debbie was taking the stuff out and noticed the boxes of Cheez Its and almost started crying. She looked up to see Lou looking at her smiling. She lunged forward and hugged Lou tightly.

'Okay woah I would like to breathe.'

'I love you Lou'

I love you more than anything Debbie

'I love you too baby'

Lou how I wish you mean that

She started the movie and they laid back to watch it. They ate the snacks and they got to the scene in waterloo. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop next door until Debbie spoke.

'Maybe we could recreate that roadtrip.' Her hand flew to her mouth when she realized what she said. Lou was also confused


'Lou I-I'm sorry I-'

Lou grabbed her face and kissed it hard. At first Debbie was surprised but then she melted into the kiss. Next thing they knew it was morning and they were both naked and tangled up on the couch.


Hey heyyyy so I am making this bc I had a lot of ideas lol

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