Tann, Sickle, and the Mad Wolf

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        Tann had come down from the tree, and she found Maya waiting for her back at the den. At first, Tann wasn't entirely sure why, but it suddenly came to her just before Maya spoke.

        "Tann, I wanted to tell you, I know you are very cougar-like, but you are still a wolf. But I'll always accept you as my daughter."

        "And you as my mother," Tann broke in.

        Maya continued. "I promise to watch over you time and again, promise me you'll do your best if I send you to the packs?" Maya pushed forth a bone. "I've studied your gnawings, and they are beautiful, I wish to keep them?"

        A lump filled Turalann's throat, making it hard to swallow. "I'll do my best, and please, keep them all. Mother...I love you. Sickle has decided to help me make my way back to the packs, and I promise to do the best that I can."

        Maya smiled lovingly and Tann swore she saw a tear in the corner of her eye. No more words needed to be said. Maya knew to send Tann's goodbye's to Basil and Plumb. And with one last look, Tann and Sickle set off to go to the packs.

        "-I didn't do it!"

        The sudden voice caused Tann and Sickle to jump. Sickle perched on Tann's back.

        "What!" Same voice. "You're no smartie, yar lie tay me, yar kint dow thattun, I know yar alz too welz!"

        "Hello!" Tann called out.

        A wolf suddenly appeared from behind the branches, and Tann and Sickle cringed at the sight of the pathetic wolf. His fur stuck out at odd angles, his eyes rolled madly, his legs and tail, shakier than an earthquake.

        "Welz, Hallo Mizza, und yar are...?" He cocked his rugged head to one side. Tann noticed he was a dirty white, and when he spoke, she could see there was something wrong with his his bite. He was an under-bite.

        Tann had a slight trouble understanding his words, and looked to Sickle for help. They jumped again as the wolf spoke again, but to himself, as another wolf.

        "I told you, I didn't do it, but you wont b'lieve me!"

        "Und I'm tellun yar yu did do 'et!"

        "You're the one with the scruffy beard!"

        "Lukk who's takkin, Buggay!"

        "Wot, Bug Eye, why I oughta..."

        Tann jumped back as this mad wolf went into a tussle with himself. Sickle took to the air.

        "Yow, yar bitz ma taal, yar's gernta pay far 'et deerlee!"

        "No, I won't. OUCH! You've bitten be ankle!"

        "STOP!" Tann called out, halting the actions of the crazed wolf. "What are you doing?"

        "Whoza takkin 'bout, Mizza? Matel, or ma gudd zel'?"

        "You, er, both of you!" Tann said, shaking her head as though trying to forget he was only one

wolf. He was one wolf, but acted like two.

        "Woy, Mizza, yar lukk a bueaty far a beastie lakk mazel' and Matel shudd know 'et!"

        "Wha...? No way, you can't even talk proper, Lousy Jaws!"

        "Wot! Lousy Jaws, I'll Lousy Jaws yar!"

         He went back into a tussle with himself, and Tann sighed in frustration. "Come on, Sickle, let's go." She whispered and they headed off together. sliding by the mad wolf as they did so.

Wolves of the Beyond: Cougar WolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora