Daredevil - Charlie Dalton

Start from the beginning

"Well, what did we come here for, then?" you frown.

"Yeah Charlie, I mean we might as well go back to bed at this point," starts Todd, only to be cut off.

"Go back to bed ? But, my dear gentlemen, the night has just begun!"

He sits down, crossing his legs and leaning against Pitts' bed. Soon everyone who isn't already sitting imitates him.

"I say we play dare or dare, by Charles Dalton!" he dramatically proposes as he lights up a cigarette.
You can't help giggling a little - seeing him so joyful and so full of life makes your heart warm up.

"You mean truth or dare?" corrects Cameron hesitantly.

"You heard me, Cameron." He rolls his eyes.

"All right, what's this all about?" asks Neil.

As an answer, Charlie blows out a thick cloud of smoke. You turn away, trying not to inhale it - if there's one thing you dislike about him, it's his smoking habit.

It started three years ago after the winter break. He'd had a huge fight with his parents about his future - while they wanted him to become a banker, his dream was to be a saxophone teacher. Charlie never told you exactly what had been said and done, but when he came back on the first day after the Christmas holidays, he was carrying a package of cigarettes and a lighter inside his pockets.

Ever since, he's been smoking. And you really hate it - not only do all of you need to stand the smell of tobacco, but more importantly he's destroying his own health.

"So?" insists Neil, getting impatient.

"It's simple. Whoever picks the dare for you actually comes up with two. You're given the first one. If you refuse to do it, you're given the second one, and you have to do it. Otherwise you will be called and labeled JellyBrain by everyone else for the coming week."

"Not that original," grumbles Cameron, but a death glare from you shuts him up.

"That's not it, though." Several pairs of curious eyes look up to Charlie. "The dares need to be... exciting. If the dare you give isn't good enough, then you're the next victim."

"Okay, but how good a dare is is actually subjective," Knox argues.

"I'll be the judge of it," retorts Charlie.

"Sounds cool," grins Pitts. "I'm hyped."

"Okay sure, let's do this," you agree.

The only two ones who seem reluctant are Cameron - but that's normal because he's always as joyful as the Grinch - and Todd, who seems absolutely terrified at the idea of being called JellyBrain for seven days.

"All right!" claps Charlie, earning several shhhh! from everyone. After all, it is past eleven and you're supposed to be asleep. "Who wants to volunteer?"

"I'll go first," declares Neil confidently.

"Cool man. Anyone got an idea?"

After a few seconds of thinking, a hand shots up in the air.

"I do," says Knox. "Neil, I dare you spend the rest of the evening without your shirt on."

The rest of you giggle quietly.

"Not bad," agrees Charlie. "Neil?"

"Are you bloody kidding me?" whines his friend. "I'm gonna be freezing!"

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