Suddenly sombody dropped behind Y/N and he was kicked through the door.

Aang: Jet?!

Toph: Who's he?!

Sokka: Katara's ex-boyfriend.

Katara: He's not my ex-boyfriend!

Toph: You're such a bad liar.

Y/N and Jet continued fighting. Y/N roundhouse kicked Jet in the face and he fell to the ground. Jet tried to get back up but Y/N got on top and punched him in the face. Suddenly an arrow was shot at Y/N but he quickly caught it before it hit him. Jet knocked Y/N off and he threw a smoke bomb. Aang cleared the smoke to not see Jet around the area.

Y/N: He got away.

Sokka: You okay?

Y/N: *spits* I'm fine.

Katara: You're bleeding.

Y/N: It's just a scratch.

Katara healed Y/N's lip and the wound was fully closed.

Y/N: Thank you.

Toph: So, who was he?

Aang: His name's Jet. He was a so called Freedom Fighter that fought against the Fire Nation.

Y/N: How do you guys know him?

Sokka: We were with him for a few days until he harrased an old man who was from the Fire Nation.

Katara: I hate that guy.

Toph: Your ex?

Katara: He's not my ex!

Y/N: Not only that but where did this arrow come from?

???: If you're looking for Jet he went this way. Towards Lake Laogai.

Katara: You're-

???: Go find your bison. We'll go get Jet.

The two people ran away.

Y/N: Who were they?

Katara: Those two were Smellerbee and Longshot. They're with Jet.

Aang: Come on. Let's go to Lake Laogai.

Y/N, Toph, Katara, Aang, and Sokka all quickly went to Lake Laogai to find Appa.

{Time Skip}

Y/N, Toph, and the others arrived to the lake to notice that there wasn't anything there except just water.

Sokka: There's nothing here.

Toph: There's a tunnel right there, near the shore.

Toph used her earthbending to make the tunnel appear out of the water. Toph opened the hole as Y/N and the others all jumped down. Y/N, Toph, and the others all walked downstairs as they stopped behind the wall to see two Dai Lee Agents walking into a different room.

Y/N, Toph, and the others walked down the hallway together and they ended up seeing many different women being brainwashed into thinking they were Joo Dee. Y/N stopped in fromt of a door and he opens it. Y/N, Toph, and the others walked inside and the door suddenly closed behind them and the whole room lit up.

Sokka: Now that's something different.

Long Feng: You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody.

The Dai Lee Agents all dropped down and used their earthbending but Toph knocked them both to the side. Sokka and Katara were holding their own. Y/N and Aang saw that Long Feng ran out of the room.

The Blind Swordsman {Toph X Blind Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now