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Speed was currently being chased by a drone, the drone was shooting at Speed who was running and dodging the bullets

Speed: My name is Speed Allen and I am not the fastest mon alive. That title belongs to the mon who killed my mother.

Speed then stops running and turns to face the drone and it fires more bullets at Speed who dodges

Speed: But not for long.

At the other end of the airstrip, Trace, Pearl and Wells were sitting back watching Speed, Trace was controlling the drone with a tablet

Pearl: "That was too close."

Trace: "He told me to make it hard."

Pearl: "Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead."

Wells: "Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Speed's powers.

Speed (Over Comm): "Trace, you gonna bring it or what?"

Trace looks at Wells who sighs

Wells: "Bring it."

Trace the taps the tablet a few times, Pearl grabs a pair of binoculars and watches the drone fire a missile right at Speed

It hits right behind Speed, which causes him to be sent flying a few feet, he lands on the ground with a grunt

Speed then pushes him self back up and doesn't run, the drone is approaching him fast, another missile ready to fire

Pearl: "Why isn't he running away?"

Speed remains still

Pearl: "Speed, run away."

The drone then fires the missile at Speed who remains still

Speed takes a deep breath, and then runs directly to the missile, grabs it, and throws it back around towards the drone and it hits the drone destroying it

The 3 mon are surprised at this

Pearl looks at Trace with a 'Now what' look and Trace sighs

Speed begins to walk back over to the team clutching his side in pain


Speed just finished eating, a pile of Sushi Feed containers and wrappers were next to him, and he was back in his regular clothes

Wells: "Very impressive, Mr. Allen. Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve."

Speed shakes his head: "It's still not enough."

Wells: "It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your mon in the yellow suit comes around."

Trace: "I think you mean the Reverse-Flash."

Wells looks up at Trace

Trace shrugs his shoulders: "What? He said it, not me and he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil...the reverse of Speed."

Pearl: "Meh."

Wells: "Actually, I kind of like it."

Speed: "Alright, I'm still ready for another round. How many more drones do you have left?"

Trace: "Two and they've got lasers."

Speed nods his head and walks off to grab his suit again

Pearl and Wells: "No."

Eeveelution Squad AU: THE FLASH (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now